Bikini Body

Hey guys. I'm new to this whole website, but I just wanted to join to help motivate me some more and I have read some of your awe-inspiring posts. I'm Taylor and I have been overweight practically my entire life. I mean I did thin out after my little kid chubby phase...a little bit. Nothing drastic. Everyone thought I was just going through a phase, but turns out that phase changed my life forever. I started developing an addiction with, I cannot believe I just admitted to that. It's taken me quite some time to accept that fact that I am constantly battling an addiction to food and it sucks. I wasn't that bad. I was a little overweight in elementary school and I said don't worry once I get taller, I'll thin out. Instead, my addiction with food grew. I didn't think anything of it until the end of my freshman year in high school when I got onto the scale and it read 200 pounds. I couldn't believe I let myself get that heavy. I couldn't believe I just kept eating and didn't care about what I was doing to my body. I remember crying and being so miserable, but I still never changed. By my sophomore year of high school in October, I weighed 220 pounds. I was disgusted with myself. I felt like there wasn't a solution at all until my aunt recommended this diet doctor. I wasn't too keen about going but I gave it a shot. He gave me pills to suppress my appetite and talk about nutrition and what I should be eating. I really started getting into it and by January of my sophomore year I weighed 190 pounds. I lost 30 pounds! I was so excited. However, it still didnt motivate me to keep going. I felt like the pills stopped working and it was pointless to continue even though I was still unhappy. After that my weight really fluctuated, my junior year I went back up to 206 and my senior year I went back down to 198. It's been a real struggle. Going off to college this summer was difficult. Everyone talked about the freshman 15 and knowing my relation with food was still unhealthy, I was terrified that I was going to gain all of the weight back because in the summer before I left for college, I had went back up to 203. Surprisingly, I haven't gained one pound while in college and I've only lost it. This morning I got on the scale and I was 192 again. I was so happy because I did it all by myself. I got motivated to go to the gym and now I'm very determined to lose about 50 pounds so that I can proudly where a bikini on the beach this summer. My family vacations to Myrtle Beach every year, but sadly, these past 7 years we haven't been able to go and FINALLY, we get the chance to! I just really need the motivation to keep going and lose it because when I lose a certain amount of weight, I get excited but I still don't realize that I lost that weight myself and instead, I feel like I'm going to remain the same weight forever. I never want that to be the case! Please respond with your stories. Let me know a little bit about your struggle or your success with your weight. Motivate me and I'll return the favor! Hello, Operation Bikini Body! :)


  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi Taylor, welcome to mfp and congrats on your decision to get fit for life the healthy and right way!! I also struggled with my weight for years and years, up and down until I finally had my *moment* and realized enough is and was enough!! Feel free to add me; I try to inspire and motivate as much as I can on my friend feed. You've taken the first step to admitting several things to yourself and joining this great community!! Learning to eat properly and view food as fuel is very important, and I think most people who have been successful here will agree that writing everything down, good and bad, helps so much! It helps you see where you've gone wrong, where you've gone right, and by keeping an open diary if you should choose to do so, helps you to make very conscious decisions of what to eat. There is no one way to do it; you'll see success stories from every aspect, and what works for one person will not always work for the next. But, that being said, there most definitely is a science behind it and eating a proper diet for you is 70-80% of the battle!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member

    Well done for your post - was interesting to read because I have been in the same mindset before where I just don't care how much I eat because I just LOVE food!

    But I worked really hard to remind myslef when I was pigging out that there ARE calories in food and too many of them make you put on weight. So now I try and just love the good stuff, I eat as much healthy stuff as I want, as long as I exercise too, and the weight just came off. I lost around 50 pounds. Do you drink alcohol? That made such a big difference giving that up also things like sugar and rubbish carbs rather than healthy carbs.

    I used to have the biggest sweet tooth in the world, but now some almonds and a fruit or peppermint tea after my dinner are sweet enough. And feeling comfortable in a bikini and cute summer clothes makes it all worthwhile!! YOU CAN DO THIS :-))))
  • sammie121403
    sammie121403 Posts: 49 Member
    Welcom to MFP and way to go for deciding to start using it. I started about 15 months ago (Dec. 2012). I had finally gotten tired of feeling fat all the time (i as always the big kid, made fun of, name calling, etc in school). My weight has fluctuated on and off my entire adult life too, always eating bad, then some crash diet, lose about 10 pounds, and right back the eating bad.

    I started MFP at 193 pounds, in a size 12. I am now 131 and a size 0/2. Never, in a million years, would I think I would be able to weigh this little or wear pants this small (I was always a 13/14).

    I really just focused on what I knew I needed to. I had never been an exerciser, so i started easy and before I knew it, I was so into running, I live to run every day! lol.

    As for your topic is possible, even if you have been big your entire life. I alway said i would never be able to wear a bikini...but...i recently purchased one and seem to love the idea of it warming up and me wearing it out soon!

    You got this! you took the first step by signing up! :D

    Feel free to add me!

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