Breakfast ideas

Looking for some good breakfast ideas. I have had oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and was thinking of greek yogurt and fruit but that has a boatload of protein, leaving me not so much for the remainder of the day. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

PS I generally eat once I get to work (no stove) :smile:


  • BelsFitnessJourney
    Oats, Chia Seeds and lindseel meal soaked overnight in almond milk with your sweetener of choice - yum :) (Overnight Oats)
  • rjwales1
    rjwales1 Posts: 1 Member
    For a quick meal, I like better oats instant oatmeal with blueberries added, plenty of fuel to start the day, I add a little vanilla whey protein to it to balance it out.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I like Greek yogurt with trail mix or mixed into oatmeal. I don't understand the comment about the protein, its good to get a fair amount at every meal.

    This week, I made asparagus baked eggs. You soften onion and asparagus, then layer them in muffin tins with tomato or picante, then crack an egg on top. I also add a tbs of liquid egg and a sprinkle of cheese on top. Baked in the oven, and it makes a perfect little portion. Its great with a slice of avocado or a small side of oatmeal or toast. I make them ahead of time and re-heat one each morning.

    Other ideas:
    scrambled eggs or egg substitute with avocado, oj
    oatmeal with protein powder and a little peanut or other nut butter
    banana or apple with peanut butter
    pbj sandwich
    hot cereal (ex: cream of wheat or malt-o-meal) cooked with soymilk
    bean and cheese taco (or really, any breakfast taco)
    cold cereal and banana
    fruit and cheese
  • julie3231
    julie3231 Posts: 7 Member
    Is there a microwave at work? I like to make veggie fritattas with frozen spinach, egg beaters, onions, peppers and feta and then bring a slice and heat it up at work. Also the South Beach Diet mini quiche cups are easy to make ahead and can be frozen and just warmed in a microwave.
  • amylg05
    amylg05 Posts: 89 Member
    Banana oatmeal pancakes - I made them last night for pancake day (or it was in the UK!).

    Really easy to make, stick all the ingredients in a blender then pour in to a hot frying pan - I used the 1 cal spray oil. This makes about 2 to 3:

    1 banana
    1 cup of oats (I used x2 of the microwave single serving sachets)
    1/4 cup of baking soda
    1 tsp of honey (or more to taste I guess)
    1/2 tsp cinnamon (I used 1 full tsp cause I love cinnamon)
    1/4 cup of almond milk (I am sure skimmed milk or fat free yoghurt would work just as well!)
    1 egg

    I suck at baking and I was able to make these pretty perfectly. I didnt include the honey in the actual mix when I made them as my partner is diabetic - I just poured it on top when the pancakes where cooked! Yummy and filling.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    My typical breakfast:

    1/4 large yellow onion, 1 oz jalapenos, 1 garlic clove - browned in frying pan
    2 eggs scrambled with the veggies, seasoned with salt and pepper
    2 pieces turkey bacon
    1 apple or banana
    and always coffee!!!!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    My typical breakfast:

    1/4 large yellow onion, 1 oz jalapenos, 1 garlic clove - browned in frying pan
    2 eggs scrambled with the veggies, seasoned with salt and pepper
    2 pieces turkey bacon
    1 apple or banana
    and always coffee!!!!

    That sounds amazing. Please come cook for me!!!
  • flsouthernbelle9
    I lived in the southwest for years, so i like egg whites and mexican chorizo ( 2 oz) can be under 200calories, or add some nopalitos to the egg whites and some green chili sauce,
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Protein pancakes:
    (makes 3)

    1/4 cup old fashioned oats
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    2 tbsp natural unsweetened applesauce
    3 egg whites

    Blend in food processor or blender and cook 3-4 minutes per side on a griddle heated to 275 degrees.

    I usually batch cook for the week, and quadruple the recipe and add blueberries
  • jazzcatastrophe
    jazzcatastrophe Posts: 54 Member
    Looking for some good breakfast ideas. I have had oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and was thinking of greek yogurt and fruit but that has a boatload of protein, leaving me not so much for the remainder of the day. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    PS I generally eat once I get to work (no stove) :smile:

    You should be treating the protein number MFP gives you as a minimum, not a maximum. Eat all the protein you want! Plus it helps keep you fuller for longer :smile:
  • evanblove
    evanblove Posts: 82 Member
    For work days, I usually have a smoothie. Check out for some ideas. Today's smoothie had banana, pineapple, strawberries, clementine, coconut milk, and spinach. I blended up enough last night for 3 smoothies (1 pint each). Non-work days is hoit or miss. Sometimes I just eat a bowl of cereal my kids asked for at the store but never eat. This weekend I ate Lucky Charms.

    I may try the Protein Pancakes MrsB suggested
  • roxielu0422
    roxielu0422 Posts: 102 Member
    I made an omelet with 1 egg, 1 egg white, 2 slices of precooked bacon, mushrooms, a little cheese and put it on a corn tortilla before I left this morning. Threw it in some foil and warmed it up when I got to work. It was fabulous. Eggs warm up pretty well in the microwave. Full of good protein, a little veggie and whole grains.
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    Agree with the comments people have about the protein ... not sure why you would be worried about the amount. I have yogurt almost every morning, and I don't get that much protein from them compared to meats and cheeses.

    I usually mix greek yogurt and regular yogurt just so that it's not too thick or too runny. I usually use unflavored yogurt and add berries, honey and some of the coffee grounds that I grind for my morning coffee, plus top it with a serving of my favorite granola.

    Lots of great breakfast ideas in this thread. But, I always include the whole egg in my food. The yolk is packed with nutrients. One egg is about 70 calories, so it's not that many calories and the yolk makes the meal more filling to me.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    You shouldn't worry about having too much protein
  • ppuddlejumper
    ppuddlejumper Posts: 7 Member
    Those eggs sound yummy! Possibility for my daughter who eats breakfast in the car on the way to school. Thank you for your many other ideas!
  • ksamkms71
    If I dont have time to cook breakfast in the morning sometimes I will make the following;

    Two Eggo Nutri Grain waffles spread with a half tbs of peanut butter each. Slice a banana on top and fold in half and enjoy on the go. Comes to about 325 calories and only takes a minute to throw together.
  • ppuddlejumper
    ppuddlejumper Posts: 7 Member
    I agree!!!
  • ppuddlejumper
    ppuddlejumper Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you to allllllll of the wonderful ideas!!! I will be having plenty of diversity in my breakfast. I have always thought that protein balanced with carbs was the way to go, but I kept going over my number. Thank you for affirming my thoughts!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    It's ok to go over your protein goals. In fact, MFP always has it set too low. It's a goal to meet, not a limit! Nothing bad has ever happened to anyone from eating lots of protein, I promise. Go ahead and have as much protein as you want.
  • Mrsred09
    Mrsred09 Posts: 22 Member
    This week my breakfast has been 2 hard boiled eggs, half an avocado, sliced strawberries and green tea. My go to is making oatmeal with blueberries, brown sugar and egg whites before I leave the house and its cooled down enough to eat by the time I get to work.