Do you tend to eat more when you eat breakfast?

It seems that whenever I eat breakfast (Usually dry cereal or oatmeal with a banana or apple) It tend to eat more throughout the day. I know your *suppose* to eat breakfast and everything but would it be so bad if I don't? Side question; what usually cases you to eat more then planned?


  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Oh god yes. When I eat breakfast I get hungry sooner and more frequently throughout the day, however I eat less at dinner as a result.
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    I have never been a breakfast eater but when I started trying to loose weight this time I have been forcing myself to eat within an hour of being up. I do find that I am consistently hungrier throughout the day when I eat breakfast but I think that is because I have actually kick started my metabolism, which is a good think. Having protein in the morning really is key I have found to curbing that appetite. If I have enough protein in the morning I am not hungry in the same way.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If you feel better not eating breakfast, don't eat breakfast.

    If you feel distracted and lightheaded, eat breakfast.
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    I have never been a breakfast eater but when I started trying to loose weight this time I have been forcing myself to eat within an hour of being up. I do find that I am consistently hungrier throughout the day when I eat breakfast but I think that is because I have actually kick started my metabolism, which is a good think. Having protein in the morning really is key I have found to curbing that appetite. If I have enough protein in the morning I am not hungry in the same way.
    Agree with this. If I didn't eat breakfast, I can pretty much get all the way to dinner time without feeling hungry. But eat breakfast...?! In a few hours I'm ravenous and a few after that ravenous again! I've also found protein in the morning helps slow things up ... although my fave is a big bowl of bran-based cereals with a banana.
  • popshoveit
    Yes. And I go for fibre and protein and healthy filling breakfasts - all it does is "prep" my stomach for wanting more more more all day. It just means I have to find new ways of balancing the rest of my day.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I have heard the eat protien for breakfast rule, and it never helps me be less hungry a few hours later. I've started eating two tiny breakfasts with the same amount of calories as if I were to have one full breakfast. The idea that meal timing is important is a myth, but if you're stomach is empty and just finished digesting food it can make you feel hungry even if you have just ate. You can either just ignore the hunger until you want to eat your next meal or preplan some snacks like nuts or a granola bar to nibble on until lunch. Eating more frequently doesn't do much for your metabolism, but it does help with digestion and making you feel less deprived. Whatever works best for you and keeps you on track is the best option even if that is skipping breakfast in favor of a bigger lunch.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
  • vvvalentines
    For me, it depends on the breakfast. If I have something carb-y in the morning (cereal, fruit, bread, etc) then I feel pretty hungry again a couple hours later. But if I have a lot of protein with a hefty portion of my daily fat, then I feel full for several hours, sometimes skipping lunch entirely. One weekend, I had a "full English" breakfast at 10 AM--this included tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, eggs, bacon, sausages, and just a little bit of potato bread--and while the breakfast was probably 1200 cals, I ate nothing for the rest of the day except for a small snack of cheese and crackers before bed.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Eating breakfast does rev up your metabolism, making you hungrier throughout the day. I eat half my calories by mid morning, but by mid afternoon it levels out and I don't have the 3pm crash or eat a huge dinner. Takes some getting used to, but eating more protein in the mornings does help.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    No. I love breakfast. :love:
  • doitforme1987
    I've always been a breakfast person. I have to eat in the morning. But I can get by with almost nothing during the day if I'm busy. And dinner doesn't have to be huge. I suppose everyone is different. My husband is the opposite - he prefers just coffee in the AM but eats 2-3x what I do for dinner (even before MFP!)

    If it throws you off for the whole day, skip it. If you believe it's the most important meal then maybe work torward several small meals (my preference). Since I can't do without breakfast I eat something small - maybe fruit and raw nuts or grain toast with hummus. Then, 2-3 hours later, I have something else. And so on. That works well for me. Eating is something I do when I am emotional or bored. So if I leave the gate open for several small eating adventures (and I make good choices when I do eat) I find I stay on track.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    If you don't want to it breakfast, don't.

    It does not "rev up your metabolism"
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Whether I eat breakfast or not, I am always hungry.
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    YES!!! I completely agree, and was just saying this to my hubby this week. I find when I eat breakfast I want to snack through the morning...I know it's bad but I try and go as long as I can without long as I get my alloted calories through the day....I don't think it matters when I eat them. once I started doing this again, I started dropping weight off again.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Depends. I like to make eggs & bacon (or turkey bacon) for breakfast most days, and don't tend to overeat on that. I'm more likely to over-eat if I start the day off with something sweet. (Cereal, pastry, that kind of thing. I love them, but not in the morning.)
  • Tangosgrandad
    Tangosgrandad Posts: 36 Member
    I usually have 400+ cals for breakfast (2 eggs 2 toast + coffee) and then a banana around 11am. Gets me through to lunch. I never used to eat breakfast at all, but then, I had a pretty poor approach to food and nutrition all together.
  • mtforrest07
    mtforrest07 Posts: 31 Member
    I personally don't eat breakfast by choice just because of this. I am also never hungry in the morning so a travel mug of coffee is all I usually have.

    When I eat breakfast, no matter what it is(healthy/not healthy choices), I always seem to have more intense cravings for junk. I'm not particularly any hungrier, but I usually ruin my day by snacking throughout the day(which is one of my biggest faults in my diet).

    If you are not a breakfast eater and it doesn't work for you, don't eat it. I could care less what any diet book recommends or that we SHOULD eat breakfast. It's not for me!! I like my coffee in the morning and that's it! :)
  • bestmeicanbe84
    bestmeicanbe84 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes the same happens for me. I eat breakfast but it's not until about 10 or 11am (I'm up at 6 during the week). I'm usually just not hungry in the mornings though.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    I find for me, if i find myself waking up not hungry in the morning more than a few mornings in a row that I am either maintaining my weight or gaining, When I am actually eating at a deficit, I wake up feeling like I haven't eaten in weeks, eat breakfast, and the rest of the day is easier.. . I am always hungriest in the mornings when I am losing weight.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It seems that whenever I eat breakfast (Usually dry cereal or oatmeal with a banana or apple) It tend to eat more throughout the day. I know your *suppose* to eat breakfast and everything but would it be so bad if I don't? Side question; what usually cases you to eat more then planned?
    Some people just are not breakfast people, and that's okay. Maybe you are one of them.

    As for me, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my breakfast! Weekdays it's oatmeal with wheat germ and fruit and espresso with steamed lactose free milk and homemade chocolate syrup. On weekends it's bacon (or turkey sausage), french toast or pancakes, fruit.

    Give me my breakfast and I'm happy.

    If I don't eat breakfast, I tend to eat more throughout the least back when I skipped breakfast I would feel hungrier throughout the day.

    It's not wrong or right to have/not have breakfast. It's pretty much your choice, unless you doctor tells you otherwise (such as you're diabetic or hypoglycemic or have other medical issue requiring breakfast).