exercises to lose ladies apron



  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
  • evansproudmama
    Bump bump my apron makes it almost imposSsible to look good in Jeans because my hips and lower body are smaller then that damn "spare tire" around my midsection ugh
  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    It is also a lot of loose skin from the belly being stretched out. I am told that can take 1-2 years to look better once the weight is gone and stays off. Mine is looking better with airbike crunches, abdominal crunches, jackknife crunches, exercise ball crunches, and lots of lotion to help with the elasticity of the skin.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I call mine the *kitten* (Front *kitten* Panel)
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I'll be a long time before mine is gone, i'll keep you posted on that one. But I have a friend who is super fit,very low body fat % who works out daily who still has a little pooch after 2 babies. She is actually considering plastic surgery to get rid of the excess skin.

    oh & we call ours a "gunt".. I'll let you figure out why on your own, its not very lady like. lol
  • denisejones123
    denisejones123 Posts: 9 Member
    Bump.... Seen this and wondering if anyone has seen reduction in there ladies apron by exercising??
    I had a c section 10 years ago and was left with it :( now I'm at a weigh I love my next goal is to work on it and hopefully it will go and I will not need surgery!!

    I found 30 day shred has help kick start the journey :)
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    Bump, in case anyone adds anything new! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Exercises DON'T directly reduce or affect fat loss or loose skin. Regardless of how many ab exercises one does, fat loss or loose skin is affected by calorie deficit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • IvyRose8
    IvyRose8 Posts: 25 Member
    You can reduce it by lowering your overall body fat. You can strengthen your abs, which will help.

    But the only... only... thing that will eliminate that "apron" is surgery. It's excess skin that will never fully tighten without an abdominoplasty, aka a tummy tuck.

    $10,000, give or take.
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    I haven't dealt with this personally but I DO know that you can't spot reduce. If you have diastasis recti then you should NOT do crunches or planks or any of that, You need to focus on exercises that tighten the transverse abdominus back up. Check youtube for "diastasis recti test" to see if you have it (most likely if you've had pregnancies). Then find exercises that will help on the same site or google Tuppler Techqnique.

    Fat loss will take the fat off of your abdomen but if you have a lot of loose skin, it may be that only surgery can get rid of it all.
  • runner_esq25
    runner_esq25 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm also interested to hear women's success stories. Any before and after pics without a tummy tuck? I've had 2 c-sections and the pooch is disgusting. It has been getting better with running and yoga...but I still have complete numbness 2-3 inches above scar and I find it really hard to engage the muscles.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Wow, I never gave it a name and after 22 years I honestly thought mine was here for good. I do lots of cardio, stationary bike and the elliptical. I read somewhere that going backwards on the elliptical helps that area. Mine has gone down tremendously, I do have a little excess skin, but I am still pleasantly surprised that it has gone down as much as it has.
  • denisejones123
    denisejones123 Posts: 9 Member
    After 10 years since having a csection I still have numbness...
    I still have tingling feeling sometimes :/
    My upper abs have stated showing but from belly bottom down is loose!
    2day my tummy sore lower down so I'm hoping it's all getting tightened and I'm on the rite road :)

    And did the test I think I'm ok :/ or mayb I should just check with the doctor?
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I exercise almost everyday, but the only thing that has reduced that area is watching what I eat. I eat between 1200-1500 calories a day and exercise at least 45 minutes a day. (I'm 48 and 5'2") Finally I've started noticing a difference.
  • runner_esq25
    runner_esq25 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't have diastasis recti anymore. I did have it towards the end of both my pregnancies. My doctor advised avoiding any ab work (especially crunches, but even planks or anything that engages the abs) for at least 3-4 months after birth. She said the muscles should come back together on their own, but any ab work while they were separated could permanently separate them. So I (somewhat impatiently) waited, and I'm pleased that my muscles did go back together. Now that they are together I am building up my ab work slowly.
  • mizzlaurie
    mizzlaurie Posts: 2 Member
    When my son was younger like from the age of 7-10 yrs, I would call it my 2nd belly and that kind of stuck with us. Not quite such a negative tone with such a thing. I still have it and it bothers me a lot but when I am with people or in the public I basically hide it by not tucking in my shirt. If I even tucked it in it would come out because my clothes do not fit right around my waste. It is pretty annoying. My whole stomach is quite a mess though because of the stretchmarks and the whole nine yards. I read some of the posts and I will try exercising. I am starting that anyway. I heard from a dr. that they would surgically remove it once you have lost the weight. It sounds like insurance would cover it some or all if it was causing irritation and infections. Oh well this is all that I know. Thanks for listening.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Cardio. Though I've read/heard that the pooch area is more directly affected by diet.