Someone NOTICED!!! WootWoot!!

EmmieSu Posts: 136
edited September 22 in Success Stories
A small nsv, that made me feel like I was on top of the world! Tonight, we had our church's Christmas Banquet, and as usually, my family of six was cutting it kind of close. So, I walked into the banquet hall, carrying my 13 month old, and the diaper bag, that was loaded with last minute touches for the dinner. My aunt was sitting at the table right by the door, so I passed the baby off to her, and started walking across the room, digging through the bag, for the lighter to light the candles, and I hear her say to the baby, "Oh, Tristan your Mommy is losing weight!" I was so excited!! I think my feet didn't even touch the ground!! At that moment I felt pretty. Crazy isn't it? A few of my church family knows that I am trying to lose weight and change my eating lifestyle, but it's not something I tell everyone. Most people don't want to hear it, anyway. So, I've been pretty hush-hush about the whole thing. If someone ask, I tell, but otherwise, I just keep it to myself. So, it was great to hear that someone, that doesn't know, could tell the difference.If I tell my mom, or sisters, I've lost weight, they might feel obligated to say they can tell a difference. Do you ever feel that way?
I also, didn't try to hide behind my husband, when he said he wanted us to have our picture taken together. It sounds crazy, but even with a 15# weight loss, I don't want to hide anymore because I'm doing something about it, and I'll be able to look back at tonights pictures and say, "That's when I had lost 15#!!" The journey continues...


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    That's great! I am know I don't see the changes myself and it's so nice for others to see your success.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    that's awesome lady! Nice job out of you!!!! How nice I think it hears when people notice my hard work and effort. I mean to me that's nice that they notice. When it's all over I hope they think of me as the same woman just wearing a smaller size.

    Keep at it!

    You sound happy with your accomplishments and that's the most important part. You no longer want to hide.
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    That's fantastic! I know how you feel about family feeling "obligated" to comment about your weight loss, but when someone who isn't aware of your journey and goals notices, it puts you on cloud 9. Congrats on your 15 lbs.
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    <a href=""><img src="; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:202px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>
    Well done, that is great. You can do this keep that image and proudness with you like a video that you can play in your head every time something neative happens. That what I do for me it works. A guy at work this week said your losing weight arnt you? I said yes he said oh why becareful you have a grat shape. I was so pleased. Like you said when people outside of your family comment it is brilliant. When I feel like giving up I remember the positive comments and they stop me going off track. My weight loss is slower now because I only have 6lbs to lose so well done.
  • Thats great!
    Best thing is she's just the first, people will start to notice more and more, its gradual but suddenly everyone will be like "Woah! Where's the rest of you?"
    A couple of funny things I've had from people at work have been a colleague genuinely asking "who's that fat lady on your pass?" and one of the canteen ladies in a concerned voice asking "Are you ok? You've lost a lot of weight?" I think she thought I was sick and believe me I've still got a BMI of 24.4 so I don't look that thin! It's the first time I've ever not been overweight though.
  • johnnieb
    johnnieb Posts: 27 Member
    :happy: Awesome!! Always a great feeling!
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>}
    Well done
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Feels really good - not just about the weightloss but the fact that the hard-work done was complimented.
  • buttercupcakegina
    buttercupcakegina Posts: 34 Member
    That's great news! Well done :)
  • sofiacunningham
    sofiacunningham Posts: 4 Member
    Aww that's awesome!! It's great hearing it from people you either don't see very often, or those who don't know you're trying to lose weight. When people aren't somewhat obligated to say because they know, it's simply a better feeling! I love it. Good job you!
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