
I have been trying to lose weight for a long time now (although I have lost 1.5lbs this week) - my current weight is 176lbs - I am aiming for 140llbs or thereabouts. I am 5'4" and had surgery about 5 months ago from which I am not yet fully healed - I certainly cannot lift weights or do strenuous exercises just at the moment.

I have had my thyroid checked as both my parents suffer with theirs and my test results keep coming back borderline which means the doctors wont do anything about it just yet, although my list of symptoms would indicate possible problems there.

What I am actually confused about is carbs and sugar v fat. Which is the one best reduced to show results? I did always think it was fat but after recent media articles I am now thinking it is maybe sugar. Should I be eating carbs and if so which are the best to try. I already eat wholewheat pasta and brown rice, brown bread etc.

Just a few pointers in the right direction would be appreciated. Many thanks people :)


  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    You are losing weight. Why would you want to change anything? If you keep eating at a deficit, you should keep losing weight with no problems.

    Eating less carbs, more fiber and more protein can help control hunger and it can help with dropping a big of water weight but it's not a magic charm.
  • Mumstrongbow
    Mumstrongbow Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Synamin - I think my main problem is being impatient - 1.5lb doesn't seem much of a loss but I think if I can change my perspective to it is a loss, however small, it may make a difference.

    I had tried most of last year to lose weight prior to my surgery, I did slimming world at home with my daughter who was getting married, and we both went to the gym and did resistance training, cardio etc - she lost weight but I didn't lose a single pound which kind of knocked me back. We followed the plan to the letter, weighing everything out to the last ounce etc but it never made a bit of difference to me.

    Must think more positively ......
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Most of weight loss is achieved through changes in eating. Exercise is for fitness. Eat a calorie deficit, that will get you the weight loss you desire. Eat a good balance of carbs/protein/fat/sugar, and you'll be fine. Aim for 1-1/5 lbs per week. You don't want to lose much faster than that, or you'll lose lean muscle mass. Sustainability comes from finding a deficit that you are comfortable with.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You definitely need patience and perspective! :)

    With 36 pounds to lose, 1 pound per week is the most reasonable goal so you did well losing 1.5!

    You're still healing from surgery - this means your body still needs plenty of rest and adequate nutriton. Make sure you're not restricting your calories too much. You don't have to exercise to lose weight but if you want to start getting active, make sure you check with your doc first. Maybe some nice easy short walks would be ok?

    It doesn't matter what you eat as long as you hit your daily calorie goal (or near as possible) every day.

    Your borderline thyroid may mean it'll take you longer than other people but it doesn't make it impossible. Stop comparing. You are you. Just eat right, move your body a little and it'll happen. Deep breaths!
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks Synamin - I think my main problem is being impatient - 1.5lb doesn't seem much of a loss but I think if I can change my perspective to it is a loss, however small, it may make a difference.

    I had tried most of last year to lose weight prior to my surgery, I did slimming world at home with my daughter who was getting married, and we both went to the gym and did resistance training, cardio etc - she lost weight but I didn't lose a single pound which kind of knocked me back. We followed the plan to the letter, weighing everything out to the last ounce etc but it never made a bit of difference to me.

    Must think more positively ......

    I recently started working out too and having been working my tail off to try to lose weight. I haven't lost a single pound in the past three weeks, but I took measurements a week ago and again this week and have lost inches all around my body. I would recommend doing the same so you don't get discouraged. I didn't want to take them at first, but I'm so glad I did, otherwise I would've been upset too at my last weigh in.
  • Mumstrongbow
    Mumstrongbow Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the comments and encouragement people. I shall try and stick to signing in on here every day to keep track of my eating and perhaps start off with small walks MinnieinMaine, now that the weather is improving (well hopefully)
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Its not carbs, protein, fat that you need to concentrate on first.
    Its calories.