how many calories? :S

So I made something from scratch today for my mums birthday. What I had to eat was two fat free mini chicken breast fillets in breadcrumbs, with a tiny bit of sunflower oil, around 1/8 of a green pepper, 1/8 garlic bub, 1/4 of a chilli and 1/4 of an onion.
But I left some of the vegetables on the plate.


  • WonderLady
    have u tried the recipe calculator?u can calculate your food calorie from your own menu.:)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I don't get along with the recipe calculator so instead I found this site you can go to Foods then Recipe Analyzer, enter your recipe, click analyze recipe and it will give you the nutritional info for that recipe. You do need to sign up and it doesn't cost anything. This has worked great for me and I can test out recipes before I make them. Hope this helps you :) Good Luck!

    Any if you have any questions on the website feel free to ask, you can friend me and send me a message if you like.