
My epiphany came on 9/9/13 after being in a 15 year physical and spiritual coma. Just realized in was now or never, I was pissed beyond belief. So I started walking and watching my diet much closer. It wasn't until I started using MFP that I could quantify my intake and exercise with precision. This is what has led me to great success. Although I had lost 45 lbs prior to using MFP, I"ve not back dated my profile. Kind of curious as to how people would react to such a move? I want to be ethical with this community, but I am proud of the fact that I have lost a total of 108 lbs since my beginnings in September of this year.



  • Clint9913
    Clint9913 Posts: 15
    I was hoping to get some feedback from the MFP community as to if you all thought it ethical to reset my goals from when I actually started my lifestyle change as opposed to when I started using the MFP app? I started walking and eating better on 9/9/2013, and I had lost 45 lbs prior to using the MFP app. If I were to reset from my true start date, it would show my actual weight loss of 120# to date. Before I started using the app, I kept written records of my exercise and my daily weight loss.

    So my question again for this community; would it be ethical to reconcile my original starting weight and goal to correspond with the MFP app and community?

    Your input is greatly appreciated
  • breezyleaf
    breezyleaf Posts: 34 Member
    I personally think it would be ok. You could perhaps mention something in your bio similar to what you wrote below. Losing 120 pounds is no easy feat and I don't think it should be shunned just because it wasn't entirely during your MFP membership. My two cents. AWESOME & KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! :smile:
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Even though my pre-MFP loss was only 10 pounds, I went back and reset my "original weight" to the weight I was at when I started the journey, a bit before joining MFP. I wanted everyone to see those extra 10 pounds! Good luck and many congrats on your amazing loss!
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    I've been thinking the same thing, but my weight loss is far smaller before joining MFP. I decided not to, but only because it was years ago that I lost the weight and didn't have it well accounted. Then, when I lost weight due to pregnancy, it felt unfair to myself. I lost my pregnancy weight really fast and didn't want to constantly look at that weightloss and compare what I was able to accomplish now. I wasn't really worried about what others might think, or it being fair, mostly because we are each our own journey.

    While I think it would be negligent to backdate a completely made-up number and claim weight loss that was not your own, I think it would actually be more helpful to the community if you were honest about the amazing job you've done so far. You would be able to help more people, as they would see you truly are a knowledgable source.

    Just my two cents.
  • WyeGuy
    WyeGuy Posts: 13 Member
    I don't see a problem with giving yourself credit for past success. Its up to you & what you think is right.

    I've only been on the site a short time. My first friend turned out to be a nag. Some folks might need that; I don't. I've seen some of the "Holier than thou - Always gotta be right" crowd, too.

    Ultimately, our success will spend on how honest we're being with ourselves. I don't think you're being unethical at all. In fact, I guesstimated a few pound low when I started. Partly out of shame, I think, and partly because I didn't know anything about how this site worked. Give yourself all the honest credit you can. This is hard. Support yourself, and there's plenty of us who will support you, too. I think I'll back-date too. Thanks.
  • heatherluuu
    heatherluuu Posts: 58 Member
    Take credit for your hard work! I don't see any issue with backdating your profile. :) Congrats on your success!
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    Own your success! You worked hard for it and you deserve bragging rights. Not unethical at all. But I agree that you may want to mention it in your profile, just to keep your conscience clean. :o) Congratulations!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I did. I also state in my profile a little timeline of my weight loss for those curious :) In this timeline I noted when I started MFP :)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Well first I thought sure, but on further thought I usually look at the date a person joined MFP. So I would think it might throw off some that see that amount of weight loss from what appears to be a short amount of time.