Gaining Weight

Hello! I have been losing on the scale for the last two weeks and today when I stepped on the scale I was up 1 lb when just yesterday I was down 1lb. Does anyone know why this is happening.

I have been tracking my caolries and have not gone over 1200 calories..I am usually 20-100 calories under that. I did not workout this week due to a busy schedule but still continued to lose weight until I got on the scale this morning!

Any feed back and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It's most likely water weight. Did you have more sodium than usual yesterday? Is time of the month near? Did you do a lot of exercise in the last few days/weeks? Lots of reasons why you might retain water. My weight goes +/- 5 pounds in water weight.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    Its just water weight. Don't weigh everyday if it bothers you. I usually weigh in weekly.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. You're going to have up weeks and down weeks and weeks with no movement. An overnight gain of 1 pound is likely just water weight. Our bodies hold onto extra water for a variety of reasons, including hormones (are you nearing your period), stress, exercise, sodium, carbs, etc. This can cause little jumps and stalls on the scale.

    Make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids to help flush out any excess and wait it out. The scale will get moving again in the right direction.
  • Justifier
    Justifier Posts: 336 Member
    Don't stress yourself out too much. One pound is nothing. It could be due to water weight, inflammation, waste in your intestines that you haven't excreted yet...
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    Water weight gain. Meaning you aren't drinking enough water, or exercise has your muscles retaining water. You're going to have ups and downs if you weigh daily. It's a given. Your body changes daily.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    Yeah don't sweat a day-to-day difference of a pound or even more than that. Track your inches for truer results! It's probably water weight, I've heard you can fluctuate in weight up to 5 lbs due to water. Have you had a lot of sodium or alcohol in the past day? Those can make you retain water...anyways, don't worry about it! Think big picture :)
  • ashley4923
    ashley4923 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for the comments and information! I really appreciate it! :smile: