Why can't I seem to get to the weight I want?

So i only check my weight once a month because I was always getting disappointed with check it every week. Well last month I was at 110 this month 105.3 I know it not a huge deal but still I was hoping to be at 115 not 105. I lift weights with no cardio and eat a good amount of protein, carbs, and fats, but can't seem to get it up I will admit in February my diet was pretty high protein so it made me more hungry.

But my goal is to get to 125 to 130. I'm 5 ft 2 and a ectomorph it just disappointing I've been bulking since October and my weight goes up and down all the time.

So why can't I seem to get my weight to where I want it? Also a lot of people told dude 125 be to much weight for you at your height I'm a male 20 years old.

But why can't I get my weight up?

I eat a healthy diet and try to stay away from any sort of junk.

Btw I'm eating at least 2000 or two Thousand two hundred calories everyday sometime more.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you are not eating enough …

    bump your calories up to the 2500 a day range…

    Also, there is no such thing as "junk food";there is just food that you use for energy and food that has different nutrient compositions…

    I would say add a servicing of ice cream a day = 230 calories and see how it goes..

    I am sure you can find room for a daily service of ice cream, yes?
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    If you want to gain weight you need to eat more that's basically it

    If your losing your in a calorie deficit
    To gain you need a calorie surplus

    Eating healthy with no junk has no bearing on it , that's personal preference

    Whoever told you 125 for a 5'2 male are absolutely off their head

    You need to start eating more , you seem to be losing around 1ib a week
    So to gain you should at least eat around 1000 calories more a day , you may find to bulk you need to even eat more but that would be a starting point , if your still not gaining you'll need to push them up even more
  • Fitnessman168
    Fitnessman168 Posts: 85 Member
    Yeah but that affect my results? Also could I do orange sherbet not a huge ice cream fan.
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    Will what affect your results ??
    Eating ice cream ? No

    There's plenty of people who track macros and eat whatever foods they like once they hit their macros

    As said above there's no such thing as "bad foods" once you get adequate protein and fat , eat what you like
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yeah but that affect my results? Also could I do orange sherbet not a huge ice cream fan.

    i eat a servicing of ice cream a day or some kind of cookies..

    If you don't *gasp* like ice cream < is that even possible? Then eat something else that is calorie dense…cookies, cake, brownies, peanut butter, chocolate milk…etc etc…

    eta - my diary is open feel free to take a look. ..note, this past week I have been dealing with step throat so I was underrating most of the week….
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Doesn't have to be ice cream, but the idea is just eat something else - ANYTHING - that is calorically dense enough to bump you up to at LEAST 2500 cal. Ice cream, chips, pizza, whatever. Doesn't matter what it is, just hit 2500 and see how that goes.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    I've been hovering around 140 for most of my life (5'8"). I finally started seriously trying to gain weight 7 weeks ago. For me, (and anyone else), the key was to eat enough calories - 3500/day for me. So far, I've put on almost 10lbs of mostly muscle (I've been lucky and experiencing those newbie gains). I used to think there was a secret.. but it really is as simple as eating more and lifting heavy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    more foodz....get your chow town on.
  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    So i only check my weight once a month because I was always getting disappointed with check it every week. Well last month I was at 110 this month 105.3 I know it not a huge deal but still I was hoping to be at 115 not 105. I lift weights with no cardio and eat a good amount of protein, carbs, and fats, but can't seem to get it up I will admit in February my diet was pretty high protein so it made me more hungry.

    But my goal is to get to 125 to 130. I'm 5 ft 2 and a ectomorph it just disappointing I've been bulking since October and my weight goes up and down all the time.

    So why can't I seem to get my weight to where I want it? Also a lot of people told dude 125 be to much weight for you at your height I'm a male 20 years old.

    But why can't I get my weight up?

    I eat a healthy diet and try to stay away from any sort of junk.

    Btw I'm eating at least 2000 or two Thousand two hundred calories everyday sometime more.

    You must have a fast metabolism like I do. I ate 3000-3500 calories per day for a year, hit the gym 4-5 times per week, and didn't gain lasting weight. Wish I could answer this one for you but I can't. My age probably has a lot to do with it too as I'm 53. Now, I just go for the "ripped" look. I grew tired of eating all that damn food! ;)
  • Fitnessman168
    Fitnessman168 Posts: 85 Member
    Here my grocery list for next week you be the judge is this a good amount of food to help me gain some weight? -> 1. Bacon

    2. Chicken tenderloin

    3. Rice cakes cheddar

    4. Eggs

    5. Whole Milk

    6. Fiber one bran cereal

    7. Almonds

    8. Bagels

    9. Baked lays

    10. Brown rice

    11. Pure Protein bars

    12. Broccoli

    13. Bananas

    14. Frito lay jalapeño cheese dip

    15. Chocolate covered raisins

    16. Vanilla Greek yogurt

    17. Cheese whiz

    18. Flavor packets for water

    19. Tuna in oil
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Here my grocery list for next week you be the judge is this a good amount of food to help me gain some weight? -> 1. Bacon

    2. Chicken tenderloin

    3. Rice cakes cheddar

    4. Eggs

    5. Whole Milk

    6. Fiber one bran cereal

    7. Almonds

    8. Bagels

    9. Baked lays

    10. Brown rice

    11. Pure Protein bars

    12. Broccoli

    13. Bananas

    14. Frito lay jalapeño cheese dip

    15. Chocolate covered raisins

    16. Vanilla Greek yogurt

    17. Cheese whiz

    18. Flavor packets for water

    19. Tuna in oil

    Part of me doubts you'll be able to hit 2500 cal/day on that stuff, but who knows. Rice Cakes are worthless calorically, and get real Lays instead of baked - you need all the calories you can get.

    Cheese whiz? Are you like from 1962? lol I honestly didn't realize people ate that anymore.

    Good luck tho man.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Fitnessman - Feel free to review my diary, its open to the public. That will give you an idea of the kinds of food and amounts that I use to hit 3500 calories a day (most days). You'll note that I do drink a weight gainer shake pretty much every morning and another after my workouts. That may be something to consider..
  • Fitnessman168
    Fitnessman168 Posts: 85 Member
    Follow up Question though even though I'm an ectomorph and I'm starting to eat 2,500 to 3000 per day now I'm cut but have no abs I really want to be shredded by August that would be one year since I started my transformation. So I'm working for abs three days per week along with doing squats dead lifts stuff that help.

    But will the stuff I'm eating which is some junk food effect my results to get shredded?
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Follow up Question though even though I'm an ectomorph and I'm starting to eat 2,500 to 3000 per day now I'm cut but have no abs I really want to be shredded by August that would be one year since I started my transformation. So I'm working for abs three days per week along with doing squats dead lifts stuff that help.

    But will the stuff I'm eating which is some junk food effect my results to get shredded?

    Do you want to gain weight or do you want to get shredded? If you gain weight to add muscle, you will add at least some fat along the way. In order to get shredded, you will need to cut fat by losing weight. You can't do both at the same time effectively.
  • Nemsyl
    Nemsyl Posts: 7
    I've been doing a good job of taking in 3000 calories a day, and I've gained almost 10lbs in a week.
    Good food, an eating schedule and sticking to it has proven very beneficial for me so far!
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Your grocery list is missing some things :
    Beef Jerky 1 bag a day
    Ground Beef 1 lb per day on top of what you are eating
    nishiki White Japanese sticky rice 2 cups per day
    Get rid of potato chips Replace with whole wheat bread not cracked wheat whole wheat
    replace fiber one cereal with real oatmeal (not packaged flavored)
    Grits (ronnie coleman's secret weapon)
    Sweet potato
    Ground Turkey
    Kc Masterpiece BBQ suace.

    This is how the big boys eat.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member

    This is how the big boys eat.

    I giggled at this.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Follow up Question though even though I'm an ectomorph and I'm starting to eat 2,500 to 3000 per day now I'm cut but have no abs I really want to be shredded by August that would be one year since I started my transformation. So I'm working for abs three days per week along with doing squats dead lifts stuff that help.

    But will the stuff I'm eating which is some junk food effect my results to get shredded?

    If you are "cut" but have no ab definition that means either your ab muscles are too small, or you have too much fat to see them, or, more likely both. To get MORE definition ("shredded"?) you need to lose more fat. BUT you'll just end up smaller and skinnier. I'd suggest you keep bulking for several months, and cut fat later. But yes, this means you will not be "shredded" by August. This kind of "transformation" can take many years, not just one.