Just Starting Phentermine



  • leahking6
    leahking6 Posts: 9 Member
    Just want to give you feed back from someone taking it. It is helping me. I went into this with the complete MINDSET that I was going to change my lifestyle. After talking with my doctor he thought at this point it would be the best option. I have lost 40 pounds since I started taking it in January. I have A LOT more to lose. The benefit from taking it is now that I have 40lbs off I can actually walk out the doors on my lunch break and walk a half a mile. Before it killed me just to walk to the bathroom. I have changed my eating habits and pray daily that God show me that food is fuel, not comfort. You can do this! I support your choice that you feel is best for you at this time. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Ok, the sharks smell blood in the water so before the sharks eat you alive, go to these other groups and sign up. The other groups should be more what you're looking for. Not that the advice here isn't helpful from the members, it is, but this is the REALLY wrong page to post about phentermine.


  • fhfreedom
    fhfreedom Posts: 35 Member
    If you value your heart's health... .throw the pills away. They double your risk of heart disease and other legitimate cardiovascular problems. There are other ways to lose the weight, and you can do it like so many others on here :)
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Ok, instead of full-on berating your choices, I just have a few thoughts. I took phentermine and lost 11 lbs in 17 days. Sounds awesome right? Well yeah, it was... until I gained it all back super quickly when I stopped taking it.

    Not to mention, it is an amphetamine. It feels like speed, and not in a good way. Also shows up on drug tests - hope you're not looking for a job! Awkward conversations to be had there. ("No no, I'm not on meth! I'm just taking weird pills to lose weight!")

    And in the end, doctors won't (or at least SHOULDN'T) prescribe it for very long at all, so don't get fooled into thinking you can use it as long as you need. It is used to "quick start" your weightloss journey, but the best way to do that is self discipline and lots of water, not pills!

    FINAL point, I promise - phentermine does work as an appetite suppressant, in that you won't get HUNGRY. Like, the physical, stomach growling kind of hungry. But I would guess that the vast majority of folks on here that are overweight aren't overweight cause they're just hungry all the time. Phentermine isn't going to treat or solve the psychological issues that cause us to eat, such as boredom, anxiety, depression, etc etc.

    Ok, that being said, who am I to tell you what to do? All I have is my own personal experience to offer, and it wasn't a positive one. But do be careful and keep those around you apprised of the situation. It's scary to be taking a pill like that and not have your friends and family in the know so that they can have your back. Good luck!!
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    Please be careful if you are serious about taking this medication. I am a nurse and I took it for a short period of time, it worked really great at first and I was honestly clueless as how badly it could interfere with your heart. I have SVT(superventricular tachycardia) and it turns out that even days after stopping it, it would make my heart rate go up to 200 beats a minute... NOT GOOD at all. Regular rate is 60-100 bpm. I honestly wouldn't advise anyone to take this medication. It really messes up your system, plus when the weight comes off and the pills are stopped the weight comes back on. :smile:
  • Working2GetFit30
    Let me add that my doctor has put me on these along with a meal plan to follow . Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I appreciate the advice , with that being said I didn't ask for the rude comments . So again if there's anyone who's using Phentermine please friend request me so that we can support each other !
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I started phentermine about 2 weeks ago. Down 16 lbs. Side effects to date: Dry mouth sometimes. Greatest benefit thus far: Being able to control food instead of it controlling me. I am: Taking phentermine, logging food and activity. I'm not: freaking out about taking it or, planning on taking it for the rest of my life.

    You don't like phentermine? So what? Nobody's asking you to take it.

    You can lose weight without it? Great! What do you want, a medal or a chest to pin it on?

    Now, back off and leave the newcomer and others alone.
  • jbeeheehee
    Thank you for your insight on this; its refreshing to read something constructive for people in your similar position...like myself : )
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
    Be warned - you're going to get some negative feedback as most people on MFP don't take kindly to people using quick fixes in order to lose weight. Hopefully you are educating yourself about portion control and are developing a healthy relationship with food. Tough love time: if you're just relying on whatever drug you're taking to lose the weight unfortunately once you go off of it you'll most likely gain all of the weight back....plus some. Good luck OP.

    Listen to this post...listen!!!

    I have lost with pills..then gained it all back..with friends. These friends saw me go from 140 to180 to 220 to 250 to 280 to 300 to 315 to 330.All over some 13 years..I'm DONE... Don't be another story...another person who looses it all just to have it come back because you did not fix the main problem...eating habits.

    Just drop the pills...start from scratch...start with you. Please.

    You deserve better than a yoyo diet gimmick.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    My personal feelings about it aside.

    You need to drink water, water, and more water. Even if you feel you don't need it drink lots of water.

    Those pills will dehydrate you.

    Make sure you remember to eat. It can seriously kill your appetite..

    Do NOT take anything width sudafed in it.

    Avoid caffeine.

    Do not over exert yourself when exercising, you will have more energy and the exercise and combined energy can make it hard to notice if you are injured in a run (experience) if you exercise while taking this follow the ten percent rule whether you feel you need to or not. You do.

    It is addictive, please do not use it so long you get addicted to it. Withdrawal can be awful.

    When you stop taking it, or you skip a day, you will be ravenous. Log your food and stay in your calories. This is where people gain the weight back.

    If you have trouble sleeping, let your doctor know.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Let me add that my doctor has put me on these along with a meal plan to follow . Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I appreciate the advice , with that being said I didn't ask for the rude comments . So again if there's anyone who's using Phentermine please friend request me so that we can support each other !

    I'm with you, hun. Just posted a new topic about 3 months on phen and about to be done with my 30mg! Some of these people want to educate you on the harms and effects but your doctor decided this was best for you so I would listen to your doc ;) . Just drink lots of water, eating is huge with phentermine and there will be days where you just don't want to because you're not hungry! Blessing and a curse, right? I've been keeping some veggies on hand and minimal fruit for those moments but continue to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is a "jump start" for your metabolism and makes you conscious of what you're putting in your body! Trust me, the idea of a cheat meal is so far from my mind and if I do want something, I will have the smallest bit of it and then be done! I finally feel like I have control over my cravings, impulses and weight. I tried for 2 1/2 years to lose weight with a strict clean diet and working out 6 days a week for 1-3 hours. I love it when people preach to you about your caloric intake and your exercise! We don't follow each other around all day but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Phentermine is short term and not a life long pill. Your doctor should have checked your vitals and medical history before prescribing the phen and decided you were eligible to take it. My doctor has tracked my whole process and I've had very minimal side effects. If anything, I am so happy I chose to do this and happy to see myself finally changing for the better! Find my topic and feel free to update there :)
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    Let me add that my doctor has put me on these along with a meal plan to follow . Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I appreciate the advice , with that being said I didn't ask for the rude comments . So again if there's anyone who's using Phentermine please friend request me so that we can support each other !

    Here we go again with the "Any opinion that doesn't support my already decided upon course of action, even though my initial post asked for opinions, is rude and/or bullying" deal. Yay OP!
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Let me add that my doctor has put me on these along with a meal plan to follow . Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I appreciate the advice , with that being said I didn't ask for the rude comments . So again if there's anyone who's using Phentermine please friend request me so that we can support each other !

    Here we go again with the "Any opinion that doesn't support my already decided upon course of action, even though my initial post asked for opinions, is rude and/or bullying" deal. Yay OP!

    Well this is all she said: New to myfitnesspal and also just started Phentermine. Looking for friends that can give any advice / support and ill do the same

    I think she made up her mind on phentermine before making this post. So, it appears she was looking to those who have been on it or currently on it.
  • chaparra71
    chaparra71 Posts: 44 Member
    One thing people who are on the path of losing weight (like myself) need to remember, is this. Just because someone says that they lost an incredible amount of weight on this stuff in just a few weeks, it is NOT fat loss! People have a strange idea that weight loss is fat weight loss, or that all weight loss is equal. :noway: . That couldn't be farther from the truth. Think about it, use common sense.

    Also, take control of your own health, just because a Dr. says something does not necessarily mean it is the right treatment for something.
  • TheFisherKing
    I took it for 2 months and had great success. I caution that once off, you may gain back most of the weight as your appetite is no longer suppressed and metabolism returns to normal. Also, it can cause heart attacks and any other number of serious LONG TERM side effects. I encourage you to work with a CARDIOLOGIST while taking this dangerous product.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I took it for about a month a while a few years back because my doctor prescribed it...
    I don't remember if it did any good or not but what I do remember and will never forget is the crazy things it did to my heart... I thought I was dying on the spot...

    Also a little tidbit of info ... my former room mate took it as well as my best friend and all 3 of us have been diagnosed with enlarged hearts in the last year... Could be a coincidence... But it sure is an interesting coincidence...
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    One thing people who are on the path of losing weight (like myself) need to remember, is this. Just because someone says that they lost an incredible amount of weight on this stuff in just a few weeks, it is NOT fat loss! People have a strange idea that weight loss is fat weight loss, or that all weight loss is equal. :noway: . That couldn't be farther from the truth. Think about it, use common sense.

    Also, take control of your own health, just because a Dr. says something does not necessarily mean it is the right treatment for something.

    Well my fat loss and BMI has gone down in 3 months so I'm not sure what else I would be "losing"? 24 pounds of water weight isn't it either. Many people seek professional help from a doctor because what they are doing isn't working. As I've said myself, it was a battle for 2 1/2 years and I ate a strict clean diet plus intense workouts. I think a doctor will have more information and tools to decide if the pill is right for them. Those who have had other risk factors, I can't speak for them. But there's a million medications on the market that will harm your body. Depression, blood pressure meds, and so on can all have adverse effects.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Also, this pill will have different effects on people who are in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's +. Every person in the world has a different body and reaction to medication so one person can't speak on the pills behalf. Not even me. There are people that have lost 50 pounds at the end of their phen RX and I'm getting close to the end and only at 24 lbs. Nobody can tell you differently but can at least give you a clue as to what may or may NOT happen to your body while on this medication. Again, I say leave it to the professionals for YOUR health concerns and not to those who do not support you, those who did not have a good outcome with it or those who have never taken the pill. Everyone's weight loss journey is different and you do what is best for you.
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    Negative things people say about Phentermine:

    - It's a quick fix.
    FALSE. It is if you don't change your habits! I don't think anyone here that is taking the medication plans on stuffing their faces with junk food all day.

    - It's so dangerous
    For some people, yes. For me, no. I have a doctor who I see on the regular for check ups to make sure that I am healthy. I have no side effects except dry mouth. I'm perfectly fine. If for any reason something goes wrong and I think something is wrong, I'm done with it. Very simple. I am doing what's best for me.

    - You WILL gain it all back once you stop taking it.
    FALSE. Again, unless you go back to eating like crap and not exercising, yes you will. However, you will continue to stay on the right path if you continue working out and eating right.

    A lot of people who are posting negative things on here about this medication are people who know NOTHING about the topic, other than what they're looking up on the internet. Unless you've had a PERSONAL experience with it, no one cares about your opinion. WE'VE HEARD THEM ALL. Don't care.

    I think this post was initially intended for people who have actually used the medication, hoping to get some insight into how they felt on it and if they felt like it was worth it.

    "no one one MFP is going to support this sort of weight loss" or "this isn't the place to post about a quick fix weight loss medication"... Well, I don't think that's a rule of this website. It's a place to track your food and support each other in weight loss. Am I missing something?

  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    I am a health care provider and I have prescribed this medication a lot with the healthy eating and exercise discussion with the patient. I am sad to say that the long term effects of the weight loss don't stick around. You must have all the good habits in place so that when you stop the medication those habits will carry you through to the end goal of maintenance. I would say that 9 out of 10 patients put the weight back on and usually add more than they started with. There are studies that back this as well. I don't have them to post at this time.

    Also if you are medication naïve, meaning that you have never been on it before, you will have a great loss then if you have started and stopped and started again with the medication. Make sure you go in regularly to have you blood pressure and pulse checked since it can cause heart damage in some people as well.

    OP, I posted this to warn you to be careful and diligent about what you are doing so that you are one of the ones that doesn't gain all the weight back.

    Good luck to you.