Plateau Solution

cochilles Posts: 41
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
If i have hit a Plateau and whatever i do nothing seems to budge it, does that mean thats it. thats my weight from now on?


  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Not necessarily, try shaking it up a bit;maybe eat more calories for a few days, try eating little & often to boost metabolic rate.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    Not necessarily. With my calorie counting I try to change it every day, rather than sit at 1200 every single day. Technically, the calorie count goes by the week, so if you are on a 1200 calorie per day diet you would need to consume 8400 calories in a week. I split my calories into the 7 days using different amounts most of the time. For example:


    This way my body doesn't get used to eating the same amount every day. Plus I can eat a little more on days I'm super hungry and less on days I'm not. You can also try adding more onto your exercises to try and kick start your metabolism again. This should help eliminate, or at least shorten, the plateau. Hope this helps!
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    Try switching up what you do for cardio. Try a new exercise or increase your intensity for whatever you are currently doing. Sometimes our bodies just get used to what we give it all the time and it just needs a change.
  • Our bodies and muscles get use to things we do every day. Ever notice when you do a new exercise, the next day muscles you didn't know you had hurt. That's because your working new muscle groups. The best thing to do is switch up the exercises...cause "muscle confusion". If you walk all the time, try biking. Same with the elliptical, it's the same motion as running or walking. If go to a gym, try a class, or get a dvd and try that workout. Also, are you weight training? If not, that's a great way to change it up. Muscle burns more than fat, so by strength training 2 to 3 times a week, you're building lean muscle and burning fat, which in turn will cause you to burn more fat more effectively. The key to breaking free from that darn plateau is variety...change it up, confuse your body and watch what happens.

    Good luck!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Eat more protein during the day, Morning and mid day I would eat more protein and no Carbs after 5 pm
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I find a day off from my diet shakes things up and gets me losing again. I weigh in the morning of my free day, enjoy myself for the day (I pick a holiday/birthday/special occasion day whenever possible) and weigh in 7 days later. The scale ALWAYS moves.

    This isn't right for everyone (a lot of people have a hard time stopping at one day), but it works for me.

  • thanks everyone for your posts, il try and see what happens :)
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