Questions about this

Hi guys. I have a few questions. MfP is set to 1280. I also use my fitbit and it is synced. I normally work out. I also normally eat about 1300-1400 calories and I'm not losing weight. Am I eating too much? Do I need to stick to the 1280 only. Fit it does give me some calories back however. I guess there are days when MfP says I have. Lories left but these are workout calories. I have lost 10 but now just stuck. Somedays if I go over by 100 I will gain up to a. Pound. Any advice not his will be great! I wanna keep losing!


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Read this:

    Weight fluctuates from day to day. Downward trend is what you need to look at.
  • GeapetCore
    GeapetCore Posts: 32 Member
    Don't get discouraged! My weight loss came to a halt for about 10 days and then kicked in again. I reviewed everything I was doing - was I snacking on something that I did not track (yes, some times), was I really working out as hard as I thought I was (ie., working out in my target heart rate zone). While I'm not convinced this is what was going on, but I discovered that many of my foods were high in sodium. I started to grill chicken for my lunches rather than pick up a low cal sub sandwich (with turkey lunchmeat). I started to drink more water too and less diet soda.

    Also, I"m not sure how you are working out but my doc warned me about going above my target heart rate zone - if you go too high, you are not always burning fat but also the muscle from your organs. I probably did not explain that correctly but make sure you are in your target zone and not above or below.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Read the sexypants thread.

    Also, are you weighing your food? If not, you are probably eating more than you think (also covered in the sexypants thread).