Its water weight, right?

I've been doing so well, eating well enough, weigh everything, log everything, cook from scratch as much as possible. Even doing some exercise. My starting weight was a guess but got some scales start of Feb, and weighed every day, only logging reductions but not getting stressed about fluctuations.

But it's TOM and I've not lost for a couple of weeks. Thought I'd just try on some old clothes this morning and i now feel just as fat as i did before, nothing is looser. The rational aside of me is saying it's water weight, hormones etc, but the irrational side is saying what's the bloody point, I always said i can't lose weight, my metabolism is crap and i may as well give up now and resign myself to being fat and dying early. I could just cry :(

I'm not looking for suggestions to eat less, I'm doing ok really and making sustainable changes. But what's the point in making changes if they don't work. Once i get past this I'll be fine, could just do with some virtual cuddles and some hope that it is not just me.


  • kelliw333
    kelliw333 Posts: 5 Member
    I know the feeling! I've tried to lose weight a few times now and it seems like no matter what I do I always plateau at the same weight... I just can't get past that point. it's so frustrating when you do all the work and there's no progress. I've been told to just stick with it and eventually you'll start losing again but I personally havent seen it yet! Sorry I'm not a lot of help but I know how you feel and I'll give you that virtual hug and I can assure you that it's definitely not just you!
  • katiemegcz
    katiemegcz Posts: 49 Member
    I have been doing this a couple of months, and water weight plays a big role. I stall every month, then lose over a pound in one weigh-in. My new solution...don't weigh in during TOM. If you are eating right and doing what you should do, this will work. Weigh when it is over and you will see results.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Weight fluctuation is normal for everybody. Relax and keep going. (and listen to your rational side)