PS: weight : 116.84 lbs height : 5.51 feet

i want to tone up from my legs and i have got a normal body.....i dont know how i can explain it i'm not fat and i'm not too thin... so i'm normal xDDoes insanity help me to sculpt my butt and legs ? :smile:

1: Should i follow the Nutrition plan ??

Here is my meal :

For breakfast i eat wholewheat crisbread with marmelade or wholewheat cereals with yogurt and honey

i dont have a fixed luch but i eat four times a week white or red meat and i awlays eat vegetables and fruits emoticon and i eat a little bit of wholewheat bread, once a week i at less than 0lb 1.7637oz of wholewheat pasta ( please tell if if this is a problem)

Afternoon snack: 200 ml yogurt

i dont have a fixed dinner but i always eat salads with tuna or sliced chicken

2: What should i eat for Afternoon snack ??

3. What should i eat after insanity ??
Can i eat fruits ?=)

4.Does really work ?=)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Nutriontion plan on insanity...can't comment I don't have access to it.

    Eat at maintenance and do your workout.

    although your meal plan doesn't sound like maintenance to me...

    Exercise (any type of resistence exercise) works
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I've done Insanity in the past and would highly recommend their nutrition plan, at least to ensure you get enough calories. You are already at the light end for your height, and Insanity takes a lot out of you.

    If you are interested in "toning' (I hate that word) - building up some lean body mass - I would recommend P90X, rather than insanity. Or, just any good weight training program such as New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts, etc. There are many support groups on MyFitnessPal for these programs, and you can always google them for more information.