New and Happy!!!

Hello! I am new here. Oh, I know that my picture thingy says started 2013, but I honestly never remembered signing up with MFP. Fast forward to end of Jan 2014. I ran across MFP while looking for a calorie counting app on my phone via amazon apps. It had TONS of reviews and it was free, so I grabbed it. Best decision ever!

I turned 40 in February and I got to thinking, "My life is sucky. Wonderful in that I have a loving fantastic and handsome husband of 20 years who absolutely ADORES me, 5 great kids (2 that we just finalized an adoption from foster care on Yea!), and I am very much loved. Sucky in that for the last 40 years I have made crap decision after crap decision. Money, life choices, food choices, ect. My family is so effected by my weight (highest was 327lbs). My husband's co-workers think I am a ghost (he is not ashamed of me, I am ashamed of me), my kids think I hate swimming (I actually love it), and my oldest daughter who is 17 is 30lbs overweight. I am getting to the age where health matters, and my family really needs me. My youngest is 8 and such a mama's boy and he would just be devastated if I died from a heart attack. And how selfish is it that I would rather eat a cheese burger than try to be healthy??? And I just thought, I am NOT going to live the next 40 years of my life regretting my decisions. I am just not."

Then (Thank you Jesus!) I ran across MFP and got it on my phone, and my daughters also. She is the one who found the bar code scanner, LOVE THAT THING!!! And we have been rockin it. She is down 3lbs! :happy: And I am (for the first time in forever) out of the 300's.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I weighed in at 298.2 this morning! Thank God! I am sooooo happy. The best part is we are not feeling deprived or gritting our teeth. It has been pretty smooth and I am STILL excited to be doing this.

My focus now is on a life do-over. I can't go back and change the last 15 years of my life and the bad decisions that I made, but I can move forward trying to make decisions that I will be happy with. Not just with food but with everything. And I am soooo thankful to be in this mindset!

Take care,


  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    We have a lot on common. I'm sending you a friend request now! :wink:
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Good for you! Committing to changing your lifestyle is the hardest step. You can do this for your kids, but doing it for yourself is wonderful too. Feel free to add me if you like. : )
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm so pleased that you decided to turn your life steps, one day at a time and you WILL get there 😊
  • Careypea
    Careypea Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! :happy:

    And Yes, I am doing it for me. Being so overweight takes over your whole life. It effects EVERYTHING. Where you go, who you see, what you wear, new things to try, making friends (lets face it fat people are invisible), ect. I hate the fat life. I am mentally 22, and I live like my 70 year old grandmother. I want a different life. So is family a reason to lose, yes. But it is bigger than that. I want a new me. A new life. I am hitting the do-over button and starting the next phase of my life making decision the new me will be happy with. What goes in my mouth, where my dollars go, ect. I truly believe that this is my time to change!
  • Careypea
    Careypea Posts: 7 Member
    Ruthee, I agree! My new focus and mind set is "Making better decisions that I won't regret." The beauty of it is, I can only make one decision at a time! LOL
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Well done - the first step is the most difficult! Log in everyday and be honest - even if it is a bad day! It works when you commit to it! All the best!