I dont see any point in life anymore?

What is wrong with me? Since i have started my weightloss diet i have turned into a old lady?
I see no point in life anymore like whats the point¿ My friends laugh and make funny jokes and I dont even want to laugh or anythibg sometimes I dont even want to laugh or engage with them.Whats thenpoint of education or fun . ¿¡ WHATS THE POINT IN ANYTHING¿¡I went from 153 pounds to 123 and started october 2013 working out and eating healthy. People say i was full of life before now im so dull ?! Mfp has me on 1200 calories and I dont Jillian Michael workouts .I have trying to eat a little more arounf 50 to 100 cals more but ughh why do i feel.this way. And sometimes I just feel like crying randomly :,-(


  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Oh my God.

    Honey, I'm so sorry and I am extremely worried about you. It's not supposed to be like this. Something is wrong -- whether it has anything to do with your diet is beyond my powers (anonymous person on the internet) to say, but something. Is. Wrong. You really, really shouldn't be struggling with this physical and mental burden, and the fact that you're still trying is a testament to how strong you are.

    Please, take that strength and go to a doctor -- if you can find one with nutritionist credentials, that's much much better than a regular doctor, so they can assess everything that's happening to you, including your diet -- and tell them what you told us. Ask them "Are my calories too low? Is something happening with my hormones? Is something happening with my brain chemistry? What in God's name is going on?"

    Because, I repeat, healthy people do not feel this way. Sometimes I feel the way you describe, and I am not healthy. I have clinical depression that's usually managed ok, but sometimes the meds don't work the way I should and then I end up sounding like you are right now. And clinical depression is a serious, medically-recognized, no-fun-at-all condition that is. Not. Normal.

    Please get a compassionate medical professional to check you over. I shiver when I see how unhappy you are, and I don't want anyone to go through that.
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    Go to IIFYM.com
    You can eat more!!!!

    Maybe change friends look for people
    That like to eat healthy and workout
    Go buy fun clothes, your damn fit!!

    Cheer up, listen to awesome music with fast beats
    Feel your sexy self and Live!!!! :)
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Can't help putting on my Mom Hat here:

    Get thee to a doctor now. Please. You've made some huge changes, which have had effects, maybe good and bad, on your body. You may have some nutrition or hormone imbalance, you may be eating too little or overtraining, or you may be depressed.
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Yes, you need to see a doctor. He/she can help.
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    I'm sorry things are so tuff right now. I don't have any real feedback because I don't understand what caused your mood change, and I don't know what your goals are. I would like to say "this to shall pass". I don't know if you are trying to drop pounds or to change your physical health, either way I hope you find what you are looking for. For me I'm new on my fitness journey so I don't think I'm the place to give advice. However, I believe it is important to have small goals and variety to keep motivated and moving forward. So again good luck and great happiness.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm so sorry you feel this way. It sounds like depression, but it could also be life stress, a health or diet issue that is making you tired. I just want to tell you, it will pass. I hope that gives you hope. Moods change, they really do. Sometimes, just a change in the weather breaks a depression. Life IS worth living. There are people that love you that need you in their lives, need what you bring to their lives, whether you are upbeat or not. Pray and believe things can and will get better, and they will. See a doctor if you need to, and call someone, even a hotline if you feel despair. But I will tell you again, it will pass. Don't give up hope.
  • ScifiGirl1986
    ScifiGirl1986 Posts: 104 Member
    Let me just start by saying that I am in no way a psychologist and that I definitely have issues of my own...

    It sounds to me like you're clinically depressed. I know that is a scary thing to hear, but it is something that you can treat. Please go see a psychologist/psychiatrist. It may seem like the world is ending right now, but with proper help things will get better. It won't happen immediately (many MAOI's and SSRI's take 3-4 weeks to actually kick in), but it will happen, especially if you're talking to someone as well as taking medications. (MAOI's--Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors--and SSRI's--Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors--work by increasing the amount of serotonin in your brain. It is quite possible that something in your new diet is affecting the amount of Serotonin that you have available.) You can start by calling the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255) if you feel like you're going to do something to harm yourself.
    WOODWAYONE Posts: 74 Member
    We hear you but we can't give you any advice. YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE TODAY!!!!!! You are hurting and need help. Do you have a Crises Line in your town? If so call them and they can help you get what you need. If not, a hospital, someone.

    Most important, do you feel like hurting yourself? Please get help. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    First of all you need professional help with this major depression. Remember that there is a way back from the darkness. You csn alsi call a suicide watchline and talk to them. Do this as soon as possible. I'll pray for you.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    What is wrong with me? Since i have started my weightloss diet i have turned into a old lady?
    I see no point in life anymore like whats the point¿ My friends laugh and make funny jokes and I dont even want to laugh or anythibg sometimes I dont even want to laugh or engage with them.Whats thenpoint of education or fun . ¿¡ WHATS THE POINT IN ANYTHING¿¡I went from 153 pounds to 123 and started october 2013 working out and eating healthy. People say i was full of life before now im so dull ?! Mfp has me on 1200 calories and I dont Jillian Michael workouts .I have trying to eat a little more arounf 50 to 100 cals more but ughh why do i feel.this way. And sometimes I just feel like crying randomly :,-(

    if you're actually depressed, understand that is something that can be addressed by professionals, but not by the folks on here (although i'm sure lots of people have experience with that).

    if you're just miserable because you are avoiding the foods you love and are always hungry and it's making you sad and grouchy and unhappy... then that's a pretty sure sign that 1200 calories is not enough food for you. eat more! what happens when you eat more is either that your desired weight loss rate will be slower, OR you'll just have to add some daily cardio to burn calories to offset the extra calories. the benefit of eating more calories is that you'll stop being hungry and miserable and will start enjoying life again. please understand that there is an optimal setting for how much food you can eat, how much exercise you need to do, and how fast you can lose that weight. finding that optimal setting just requires some basic knowledge, some trial and error, and some compromises. in math, this would be called an "optimization problem" and they are always solvable! :wink:

    once you find that optimal setting, this whole process because much more enjoyable.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I agree that you need to talk to someone about how you feel. Until then, keep in mind that sometimes we feel or think a certain way, but it doesn't mean it's true. It's just a temporary feeling and it passes. You won't always feel this way. Things change so fast in life. Before you know it you'll be on to a different phase in your life.
    I would also suggest that you eat more. Working out+not eating enough can lead to feeling physically drained and that can make you feel down mentally and emotionally after a while.
    Think about the good and positive things in your life. Life is beautiful. Talk to someone and make an effort to think about positive things and reject negative thoughts.

    Hang in there. The rough patches in life seem to drag on but they do pass.

    Also, could you please post here again to let us know you've read our posts? We do care. :smile: