I'm scared but I really have to do this. Hello!

Okay, so, I've been contemplating posting this here for almost a year, but yesterday I decided that it was time.

I'm Dez and I'm an 18 year old female from Canada. I'm a boredom snacker, and sometimes an emotional eater, and while I love the idea of exercise – of running and doing yoga and dancing like I did when I was a kid – I find it much harder to actually make myself do it on a regular basis. I procrastinate like you might not even be able to believe. I'm 5'8 and 165 lbs, and my goal is 130. I've wanted to lose this weight since I was 13, when I was at my highest weight of 190.

I'm not too good at recording my daily food intake, but I've bought a notebook and will be writing and double checking the nutritional information on my iphone since I find it easier to keep track of things on pen and paper.

I'm going to try to stick to 1500 calories a day, and exercise everyday for 15 minutes, even if it's just really light, easy work – as long as I've done it, I've helped the habit.

I now fit right under the 'overweight' category and while that's certainly nothing to turn my nose up at,
I still don't feel entirely confident and in-love with my body – or my activity level. Now that summers coming, I really want to take the opportunity to do what I've always wanted and finally get fit, once and for all. =) I think what I've been missing is the support of a community like this, so I'm really hopeful this time around, no matter how long it's going to take me.

Soooo....Hi! =D


  • Hi Dez! My name's Alicia, and I joined this today, so I'm new as well. I have a muscle disorder called Fibromyalgia, and a joint disorder called Hypermobility, so I know exactly how it feels to not feel motivated to do exercise! I guess in my case, I want to not only achieve my goals, but also help with pain of my conditions.
    I think what really helps me - as I'm very very good at procrastinating too!- is to get into a routine. For example, I get up half an hour earlier, on days I have university (so that's 6am), and I do a pilates, and/or cadio workout. It gives me more energy to start the day I think. On days off, I allow myself to do as I please, and whilst I still make sure I do my workouts and pilates , I don't worry if I do it at say 11am instead.

    I think taking this step is such a positive one in achieving your goals though! And I hope that with this community atmosphere, it will help aid us all in our bid to achieve our goals and desires.
  • 730Days
    730Days Posts: 2
    Hi Alicia! I'm sorry to hear about the pain your conditions cause you, but it's really very inspiring how you plan to fight it. =D

    That's a really great idea! Especially since I'd like to start heading to school earlier as well, but it's the actual getting into the routine part that always gets me. I think I just put too much on my plate at once time, so maybe starting slow and steady is what I've needed to be able to do this.

    Either way, I'm very excited, so thank you and welcome! =D Good luck on your goals.