My 120-2014 challenge

I am looking for friends who would help and inspire me into getting through this challenge that I posed on myself. In the last 3 months, I've been psyching myself into thinking that 2014 will be my year, that it will be a makeover year for me and it will be a foundation to a better, future me. So far it had started okay. I decided to list down the stuff I need to do to achieve the "better" me and tried to think of ways on how to reach that goal.

Aaaand so far, these are the things on my list:

1. Lose fat
2. Have healthy skin
3. Have healthy hair
4. Have fair skin


1. Minimal lates
2. More positive outlook in life
3. Set priorities straight
4. Continue learning and acquiring knowledge

SO, I started to work on the physical list first. And what better way to start it by actually losing some (lots of!) unneeded fat. Researches have proven that being overweight/obese has been one of the leading causes of co-morbidities acquired especially during old age. I have been to countless lectures and seminars stating that yes, being fat is bad, but it never seemed to cross my mind until now.

To be honest, I was actually okay with how I was. I was not really picky with clothes so I didn't have any problems when it came to attires, I was not really the sick type so I wasn't really a "suki" of clinics and doctors, I have a relatively jolly personality to make up for when I hear insults here and there.

Why did I come of with this anyway? If I didn't actually have a problem with how I was? Aside from my parents actually nagging me to lose some "weight", an unfortunate incident last Christmas made me evaluate my life. I am not going to go in-depth with the incident but the thing was, I went through a pseudo-depressive episode.

Instead of overeating (it was scathingly in time for Christmas!) and having suicidal thoughts, I decided to work on a better me. I researched about healthy food habits and revived my MyFitnessPal account. I looked for exercise videos and got into kickboxing, I downloaded funky exercise songs and read a lot of inspirational stuff.

Whenever my mind would venture into depressing thoughts, I exercised (which is why my mother was shocked when she found me doing kickboxing while everyone in my country was counting down to 2014 haha.) This continued on until I got discouraged, AGAIN. This is the main problem whenever I would do routines, I could never follow them religiously.

My mother is telling me that I was starting to lose some weight but I didn't see anything so I stopped doing it as a whole. Now, I realized that if I had continued that routine (I stopped 1st week of February! T^T) I might have lost a few pounds already. I am still 189lbs now, but that is already an improvement from the 195lbs I was in before Christmas. I was also thrilled when I was able to do sit ups now (up to 10!) compared to 0 from before. I also feel lighter now and is less tired whenever I do physical activities.

My goal would be to reach 120-130pounds at the end of this year, and I think, since this will be a long term goal, I need some friends to help me get through this. I don't want to just lose weight, I want to lose fat and build muscles. I am a physiotherapist and I want to do this to serve as an example to the patients I treat. I want to be a living example of what I preach, although I constantly need external forces to motivate me, I believe that I am still not a hopeless case. :(


I am also willing to inspire others in their goals! I can be a very good motivator to others (I wish I could also apply it to myself though) :D PLEASE BE MY FRIENDS! <33333

Lots of love,
Mei. xx
