Wanted: Friends with similar habits and viewable diary

Hi there!

My name is Amy. I have been on/off of MFP for years...and even have like 3 different profiles because I can't remember passwords when I get off track! I have been back on track since October 2013 and I am looking for some more friends and support! You can never have enough of that.

I am a boredom eater, emotional eater, and flat out monster eater. At least once I week I end up pigging out on snacks in the evening because I'm bored, lonely, angry, or stressed. I am 5'5", 24yrs old, and weighed 148 when I started back on track in October of last year. I got down to 138 by February 1st and then took a week and a half off...binged...and gained 5 lbs. Now, almost a month later, I still haven't made it back to 138 but my muscles are so much more toned. Each month I give myself a 30 day challenge. Last month I was doing 30 day shred and then when I took a week off I started over. I'm on day 18 today.

My goal is to weigh 130 but not by a specific date. My ultimate goal is to wear a bikini that I bought last summer and wear it proudly with confidence! It hangs beside my tv on the wall as motivation and a reminder. Feel free to add me for some extra support! -- i do like to view diaries to give me ideas on new meals and I DO log everything I eat when I pig out.

:drinker: Thanks


  • Hi Amy.

    Welcome back :smile:

    You sound so similar to me - I just love food, and all the bad food, and if I'm in the wrong mood I don't know when to stop! I definitely need to take a leaf out of your book though, as if I've had a bad day / evening I tend to delete everything and start again the next morning - not a good habit at all!

    I'm 23 years old, 5'5 and weighed in at 141 this morning. I'm with you on the bikini body - I go to Egypt on the 22nd April and I want to feel good for that - not a great deal of time left though!

    Feel free to add me - my diary is open for anyone to see. :drinker:
  • feel free to add me. I'm on daily and my diary is open to friends.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Amy, Stephen here. I joined November 24, 2013 for the first time. I never ventured into any social media so I was under the radar for about a month before I reached out to others. I consider myself incredibly active on my boards, supporting and being supported. I stay pretty steady with how I approach food, sometimes, a Swirl will do me in and occasionally, I will over do it with exercise but I shoot for balance. I am almost an involuntary vegetarian, I wasn't intending that to happen, and pretty much make all my own food, even bread to avoid processed food. I tend to eat only organic veg too - all the result of logging.

    I will send you a request, I am an open book, nothing to hide here, hiding is too lonely and takes too much effort anyway ; )
  • cherrymei
    cherrymei Posts: 23
    Hi! I'd want to see your diary too so I can have an idea how to start mine! :D IT sounds interesting! ^^
  • Hi Amy,
    Your story sounds just like mine. I've just set up a new account (again) tonight, but I need the extra help to keep to me honest and to hopefully help minimise the blow-outs. I'm a boredom eater, but also due to my work (hairdresser), often forget or don't get (or prioritise) time to eat and go waaaay too long before my next meal. It's a terrible habit and one I'm really keen to stop.

    I've seen a dietitian and had great results in the past as long as I was really strict with myself, but it's not always easy with a partner who likes to bring naughty snacks home. I'm very easily tempted.

    I walk to and from work now that i've started working for myself. The salon is about 2.5km from home, so I get a decent walk daily and I've recently bought a Fitbit One to track my steps and push myself to move a bit more daily.
    I also do aerial dance twice a week and try to get a few yoga classes in if I'm not too tired.

    My next step is to really honestly start tracking what I eat. I complain about not seeing results but I'm fully aware that it's my own doing.

    Feel free to add me ????
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    You sound just like me. I started using MFP back in 2006 and did great. I made it to my goal of 130 but then wound up pregnant with my second daughter and since then I haven't been able to stay on track. I get back into MFP and do good for about a month or so and then I get annoyed that I haven't lost what I was hoping and fall of track, or the holidays come around and I think "I can be good" it gets busy and then I lose months in between log ins. None the less I start craving salty snacks, which is my downfall and then I gain the weight back.

    I am hoping with more friends to push me, check my log ins and keep motivation coming, I can keep with it this time, at least till "bikini season" LOL.