Feeling Guilty

Hi Everybody!! Was wondering if anybody else s feels a bit guilty when they cheat a bit on there diet? We have family and friends over last night and we sorta cheated on a couple of beers and some chips!! I know its not a big deal, causes I haven't ate or drank any crap in the last 2 months, but this morning I feel guilty to myself lol . I will just work out a bit harder this morning! Just curious about everybody else!!


PS: Myfitnesspal is by far the BEST APP ALIVE!! I am loving it!!!


  • sarahxcx
    sarahxcx Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah I sometimes feel a bit guilty, but I do try and plan ahead a bit and work out a bit more if I know I will be going out for drinks, plus I think its good that if you are doing it as a lifestyle change that you can have a few treats now and again.
  • SwedishSarah
    SwedishSarah Posts: 4,350 Member
    Yes, sometimes I feel bad, but then I just go run it off! Sometimes I ask myself whether or not the food I'm craving is worth it. If you have't had a certain food for a while, it's good to treat yourself! (:
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    It's just food. It's not a moral deficiency. There's nothing to feel "guilty" about.

    Guilt is not a productive emotion. If you go over, or eat unhealthy foods, that just happened. Did you enjoy it? Good! Now you don't have to eat unhealthily for a while, because you got it out of your system. If you didn't enjoy it, learn from that and let it keep you from eating that stuff again.
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    Oh thoses first few bites of chips were pretty dam good lol, well, they tasted good!Maybe causes its been so long!! But, this morning, back on track!!! No pain, no game :)
  • ayeob
    ayeob Posts: 4 Member
    Any other time I changed my diet and restricted my diet I always felt guilty for eating anything that wasn't 'allowed'. Since starting back here with a different motivation (to create a long term healthy lifestyle while losing weight to be able to maintain) I don't look at anything as a cheat.

    Yesterday all I wanted was sweet crap, I resisted until the evening time then ate three bars of chocolate, oil popped popcorn and a large glass of wine. This morning I did wonder why I ate them but had my oats for breakfast and carried on as usual and line OP I did work out a bit harder this morning :smile:

    I think that's the thing,for me anyway, face up to it by logging it and move on, thank god for MFP!!
  • boobesque
    I always have saturdays off, usually I would use this as an excuse and do no exercise and eat rubbish literally all day. But after feeling rubbish a few saturdays ago I decided to only have my evening meal as my treat (and dessert) and stick to my usual breakfast and lunch. I also workout in the morning to 'earn' my treat.

    I feel much better soing it that way and seem to avoid the dreaded next day bloat. Though having to rethink my sweet treats as I seem to react badly to them now :(
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    It's just food. It's not a moral deficiency. There's nothing to feel "guilty" about.

    Guilt is not a productive emotion. If you go over, or eat unhealthy foods, that just happened. Did you enjoy it? Good! Now you don't have to eat unhealthily for a while, because you got it out of your system. If you didn't enjoy it, learn from that and let it keep you from eating that stuff again.

    ^^^This! Guilt is counter-productive to your ultimate goals. You had a great night enjoying family and friends--and that is fantastic.
    Good luck with your goals!
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    Right on!!! Just had my best workout EVER!! So, the guilt is gone lol . Its funny how our brain works like this! lol. Oh well,
    Have a great day everybody :)
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Right on!!! Just had my best workout EVER!! So, the guilt is gone lol . Its funny how our brain works like this! lol. Oh well,
    Have a great day everybody :)


    Something else to keep in mind is that the "over" day might actually be the reason for your great workout. Extra calories = extra energy to burn. Which is another reason that you don't need to feel guilty for the off days. Use it to fuel your fire, both mentally and physically. :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    I refuse to feel guilt over something as small and insignificant as some chips and beer. It's not worth the time or energy.
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    Ya maybe!! Those extra calories made me go faster and harder!! Too bad they where bad calories lol. Oh well, no big deal!! I feel great now!!! Thanks for the positive feed back!

  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    I refuse to feel guilt over something as small and insignificant as some chips and beer. It's not worth the time or energy.

    Its only because its was my first time doing that since my weight lost!! But like everybody said, no big deal! Keep moving and kick some *kitten*!!!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hi Everybody!! Was wondering if anybody else s feels a bit guilty when they cheat a bit on there diet? We have family and friends over last night and we sorta cheated on a couple of beers and some chips!! I know its not a big deal, causes I haven't ate or drank any crap in the last 2 months, but this morning I feel guilty to myself lol . I will just work out a bit harder this morning! Just curious about everybody else!!


    PS: Myfitnesspal is by far the BEST APP ALIVE!! I am loving it!!!

    I don't feel guilty over anything I eat. Life is too short for that. First, I don't believe in cheat days or cheat foods because I'm not on a weight loss diet but rather a lifestyle change leading to improved fitness. I know that eating something that isn't as healthy as it could be is not a huge deal given that I'm eating healthy about 90% of the time. Even a full day of eating junk food wouldn't matter although I likely would feel lousy. In your case, a couple of beers and some chips shouldn't be a huge problem if you accounted for them in your food diary. Many here have both on a more regular basis and just fit them into their macros.

    I agree with you on the MFP app for the most part although there are a couple more features I would like to see :)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Ya maybe!! Those extra calories made me go faster and harder!! Too bad they where bad calories lol. Oh well, no big deal!! I feel great now!!! Thanks for the positive feed back!


    No, they were simply calories - not bad, not good - just calories. Besides, you enjoyed yourself and worked out a little harder so no harm done :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I learned early on that a sustainable lifestyle for me would not be to exclude certain foods from my life forever but to learn to control those foods and not let them control me. So I practiced moderation and keeping those things that I like in my diet as long as they fit within my calories and macro goals... So I don't ever feel guilty about the things that I eat....... Best of Luck
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I definitely feel guilty when I wander away from my diet. But I've gotten a lot better at not beating myself up over it. It happens. The important thing is that you don't wander so far you can't find your way back!
  • kernja
    kernja Posts: 15 Member
    I don't feel guilty, I'm more afraid of what will happen if I continue the trend. I was at 275, got down to 200, and now I'm at around 212. In the last 10 days I went from 203 to 212 --- while staying physically active and still running a bit (6.4 miles outdoors in under an hour), so I know that a bunch of it is water weight.

    I want to continue eating healthy, but eating unhealthy has been occurring more frequently :( I want to be fat and lazy because I'm burnt-out from the cold weather, work, and trying to just be healthy. I want to sit back and give myself a break. I've been doing this for two years ha. One week won't hurt but what if one becomes two?

    I feel your pain bud.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I feel guilty once in a while but since i think 100 calories has been the most i've gone over my limit it's not bad and i vow not to do it again for a while. It's going to be a fight as long as your body remembers how good the unhealthy food tasted compared to the stuff that isn't tasty but good.
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    Ya maybe!! Those extra calories made me go faster and harder!! Too bad they where bad calories lol. Oh well, no big deal!! I feel great now!!! Thanks for the positive feed back!


    No, they were simply calories - not bad, not good - just calories. Besides, you enjoyed yourself and worked out a little harder so no harm done :)

    Your right!! Had fun!! and no harm done :) Today is a new day :)
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I never feel guilty about eating. I'm much too busy feeling guilty about other things.