T25 - Looking for some advice

I've been using my treadmill, wii boxing & wii tennis as exercise but I'm thinking about branching out. Obviously these are not high intensity forms of exercise! Has anyone tried the T25 workout? My current weight is 232 so I'm concerned about not being able to make it through the entire workout. I know there is a modifier that beginners can follow so that gives me hope. I guess what I'm really wondering is if it really worth the price, can a "regular" person really do it & does it deliver results if you do the exercises?


  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    looking for the same information
  • feuerfly
    feuerfly Posts: 8
    I started T25 3 weeks ago and have lost 14 lbs without religiously following the workouts. Each week I missed a couple, but this week I only got in 3 workouts. I love the DVD and it is really easy that it only takes 25 minutes. It is an intense 25 minutes, but you can modify if something is too hard. Currently, I modify about half of the time. I would recommend trying it:)
  • jelawton3
    jelawton3 Posts: 32 Member
    I also use it and it's not at hard or as crazy as some think. It is 25mins of activity with no breaks and since your workouts are different the body doesn't get time to adjust to a routine which help wieght loss.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    I am just about to move into the Gamma phase, and my boyfriend is just finishing Alpha. We both did Insanity before T25. The good thing about both of these programs (particularly T25 as there is a modifier which, although I have not used it, appears considerably lower impact than the regular workout) is that there is no shame in "not being able to do it". You do the best that YOU can do, and watch yourself get better. If you need a break, you can take one and then get right back to it. Your confidence and sense of achievement grows so much as you see yourself do one more rep/one more push up/a whole exercise without stopping. The people in the DVD sometimes take breaks! I also think they are a good investment because you can always start a new round all over again when you are done and see how much better you are :smile:

    Once I've finished Gamma I'm going to go back to Insanity and see if I can get through all the push ups without dropping to my knees :laugh:
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Im just starting my 4th week and love the program! There is a modifier and I follwed her mostly in the first 2 weeks. I'm not starting to use her less now. I love T25 !