Will what I'm doing get me where I want to be?



  • notdebby
    notdebby Posts: 58

    Sorry, didn't notice the difference in days - was just looking at the time. :flowerforyou:

    It's all good. I got some answers now and I think I have an idea of where I need to go even if I can't do it just yet.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Personally, I think you may be over-thinking this?

    In terms of the first part of your question, you wanted to know if you should just lose fat, or gain muscle and lose fat. The percentages and weights you listed are basically meaningless in my opinion. Isn't what matters whether or not you're happy with the way your body looks? For example, are you happy with the amount of muscle you have? If so, then just continue to lose fat to reach your goal. If after looking at yourself you do want to add some muscle mass right now, your best bet is to rethink the 1400 calories a day diet. Keep in mind that you can always adjust things as you go.

    Remember, as a newbie lifter with excess fat, you CAN add both add muscle and lose fat at the same time on a restricted calorie intake, but this ability will really slow down as you get closer to your goal. At some point (probably really soon), you're going to have to pick one or the other. Yes, if everything were spot on in terms of diet and exercise, you might be able to both add mass and lose fat, but you're also probably not going to do that in the time you've selected.

    Either way, at some point, you're going to have to up the calories. You're just not going to continue to add mass eating 1400 calories a day.

    I suppose overall, I'm thinking if what you've been doing is working, why not continue to do that until it stops working? No one is going to be able to tell you "do this exact thing" and you'll make it to your ideal body. This is all trial and error. In addition, as you body adapts to both diet and exercise, you have to change things up to reach the kind of fitness you're seeking.

    TL:DR; do what works till it doesn't, then try something else.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Wow! A lot of conflicting information.

    Uh some people asked for additional stats. I'm 5' 5" tall. Yeah, my goal weight was originally 115. Right now, I don't know what my goal weight is. At 135, I can already get into a size 2. In the past, I've had to get to a much lower body weight in order to do that so while I'm not that muscular now, I'm thinking that I must have more now than I did when I was younger since I'm the same size as I was at 120 but weigh 15 lbs more. Still, right now I think I would be considered skinny fat because I have these areas that are just mush.

    Sorry for the conflicting info. I know my post was on the pro-lifting side, but I would not consider myself to be a lifting zealot. Even in my own program I do not avoid all cardio and getting some cardio in is excellent for CV health. I lean toward the lifting to help reduce body fat because of my own experiences and actual results between a 45-60 min 5 day/week cardio plan and the strength training 3-4x/week with 2 days of 20 min cardio intervals plan.

    Bottom line is that you are losing fat doing what you are doing. Continue to do what you can do. There are a number of body weight resistance workouts online and I am sure you can find additional cardio videos on youtube.com if you feel the need to mix things up.

    Good luck and I apologize for derailing the conversation.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Okay, I think I have a decent idea of what I need to do. I don't really have the money right now to add too many weights or get the cycle ops, even one of the cheaper ones. For now, it looks like I'll have to continue doing close to what I'm doing because of time, money and Alaska weather, but I'll definitely see what I can do about adding more weight. I'll be able to add more time in May when school is done. And when the snow falls in again in October, I should be in a better position to incorporate more of the other stuff when I have to come back indoors.

    Here's to warmer weather coming your way and all the best on your continued exercise. I think just increasing the intensity and duration of what you are already doing may take you to the next level (just make sure to eat enough calories to support it). Fire up that furnace and watch things melt (including the Alaska winter). ;-]
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay, I think I have a decent idea of what I need to do. I don't really have the money right now to add too many weights or get the cycle ops, even one of the cheaper ones. For now, it looks like I'll have to continue doing close to what I'm doing because of time, money and Alaska weather, but I'll definitely see what I can do about adding more weight. I'll be able to add more time in May when school is done. And when the snow falls in again in October, I should be in a better position to incorporate more of the other stuff when I have to come back indoors.

    As a note of interest I know lots of people who have gotten the look you want just from circut training and never going higher than 10lb dumbbells.

    I hate to keep refreencing my sister but that being said ...

    She does Circuts with 10lb dumbbells, 20min cardio a day and 2x Karate every week (working out about 6 days a week) and has the look I believe you want.

    Any sort of resistence training and adequate protien is great...not just heavy lifting.

    And Yes i do heavy lifting but not a zealot...I just let people know it's benefits.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I highly disagree with the idea of adding more cardio.

    Tell that to the millions of runners and cyclists who are lean and mean thanks to endurance hours.

    I would, but, they dont exist.

    Mean looking runners and cyclists do serious training with sprints and intervals. The typical marathoner is not "mean" looking at all.

    Running and cycling are great, but, you don't need the kind of volume/time your suggesting unless your goal is to be a runner or cyclist. It's just not a good use of time for the physique goals described.

    I run, bike, and lift. I have no bias.