Met Calorie Goal - Major Hunger Pangs During Workout (?)

I am on an MFP recommended caloric intake of 1650 a day and have been doing pretty well. Today I had a well balanced diet drank plenty of water, and ate exactly my calories before i worked out tonight and felt fantastic.

That is until I started working out - treadmill 3.2 mph on a 2.0 incline, something i am used to. By the time 35 minutes came around I was in like a cold sweat, shakey, lightheaded and extremely hungry. And by hungry I mean like I am practically sick and would eat a whole pizza if it were in front of me.

This has happened a couple of times before. Does anyone else have this happen to them during workouts - major hunger pangs I mean?


  • marsbar_0789
    I would love to hear why too because this happens to me too
  • ThePhatMan
    Could be low blood sugar, try drinking 4oz of OJ.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It sounds like some serious low blood sugar, especially if it only happens occasionally. Make sure you eat or drink something (besides water) before you work out and you should be just fine.
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Eating any of your "workout calories"? In the beginning, where I didn't understand the workout calories are added to the total calories for the days, then on days where I did a lot of activity, I was crazy hungry like you. And after the 1st couple of weeks of "lifestyle change" are you losing more than 2 pounds, then maybe you have underestimated your activity general.

    Also, if you aren't having enough protein and complex carbs you could also have blood sugar issues as well.
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for comments everyone!

    I generally do not eat my workout calories burned, but tonight I am a little!

    I like the OJ idea, I can't drink a lot of it due to reflux but a little bit may be okay.
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    This has happened to me before, too, and I agree with the other posters that it sounds like low blood sugar. I always got it when I dieted and was eating too many simple carbs.

    Try to eat a snack with complex carbs and protein pr fat at least an hour before you work out. Nothing huge, but maybe some peanut butter and crackers. This site has more info and lists some easy food combos:
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    This site is great - thank you!