I would love some support

Hello everyone :). I´m a 18 year old girl, I used to restrict my food a lot and a couple of months ago y just lost all control. I have been binge eating every single day for 2 months. I'm currently almost overweight and I really want to stop this. I dont know when the obsession with food took over my life but I´m ready to change it. Does someone have similar problems? tips?

P.s: I´m sorry for m english, it´s not my native lenguage


  • Was there some event that happened two mths ago that may have kicked it up? Sounds like an emotional event. I know I tend to eat because of stressors in my life.
  • donut0420
    donut0420 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi hun,
    I agree - this sounds to me like something triggered by stress. Are you in school? I remember in my last year of university I put a lot of pressure on myself to finish my degree, to the point where i was not only binge eating, but having nightmares daily. If stress has been your trigger, it's important to figure out what it is that is causing you that stress. You can't be physically healthy if your emotional health is in trouble!
    Don't worry - you've fallen among a group of people here who, from what I can tell, are all about love and support. We've all been through these tough times where we've felt like we've failed ourselves, and we've got your back!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I've been dealing with binge eating since long before you were born! It sounds like you had one ED and now have switched teams to another ED!

    I don't know what happened 2 months ago but something did and you really need to find out what the stressor was and work through it in a healthier way. Stuffing down depression with food only works for a short period of time, but the problem grows because now guilt and self-loathing are piled on top of the food that's on top of the depression.

    Please seek counseling to learn healthier ways to deal with stress and depression. MFP is an incredible site and the people are supportive (sometimes with a big dose of ruEHPiSs.png) but MFP is not a substitute for counseling.

  • Djolma
    Djolma Posts: 2
    Thank yo so much, just reading your answers made me feel better. Well, I´m doing a major in engineering and is really hard, i feel that my family expects so much of me and sometimes its harder that what it seems. Maybe that´s what i´m stressed about.
  • I struggled with something similar during my college years. The stress gets the best out of you. BUT I know found some perspective and new meaning to life. My method I excersie to release my stress. It works for me as it helps me relax and excersie on my breathing. I do about 30-40 min powerwalk at the park or elliptical at the gym.