Hey everyone, I just wanted to know if in Focus T25 I do some moves of the normal version mixed with the moves of the modify version I'll lose weight! Heeeelp me please, because sometimes I feel really tired and instead of stop doing exercise I do the modify version, but I just wanted to know if I'll lose the same weight as if I only do the normal version.


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You'll lose weight if you eat less calorie than you burn throughout the day. Doing the modified version of T25 is fine. If you stick with it, it's likely you'll work up to the regular version. Just remember, weight loss is about calories, exercise just helps you burn more calories. (you'll burn calories doing the modified version, too) Keep your diet in check, and you'll lose weight.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    maintain a calorie deficit and you will lose weight

    the exercise is a bonus and if you cannot do the regular version the modified version is fine - it's better to not risk injury and opt for the modified versions
    I found this friend to lose 3 kilos in a week here I leave the link