
Looking for ideas for loosing 25#'s , with a hurt back , meaning very limmited excersise . ?? ...47 yr. young man .
Thank you .


  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    When I hurt my back the doctor and Physio both suggested swimming for me. But really you need a medical opinion I would say.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    When I hurt my back the doctor and Physio both suggested swimming for me. But really you need a medical opinion I would say.

    Pbz7IGg.jpg Agreed.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    agree with the swimming

    I would check with the doc or physiotherapist about any low impact exercise - maybe moderate walking, maybe a recumbent exercise bike (you will be seated in a position with support on your back)
  • jmpurser
    jmpurser Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a disabled vet with long term chronic back pain. It finally got so bad it shut me down, virtually locked me into a recliner all day. Here are the two things that got me out of it:

    Finding the right pain med. Some of the famous stronger ones (sign pain contracts, warnings against addiction, sign for postal receipt, etc) did me no good at all. But eventually they found the right one for me. It didn't eliminate the pain but it cut it down so I could deal with it for a while.

    Aquatic exercise. I can't swim much as it twists my back so I had written off the pool. When a back specialist recommended it I thought "Yeah, getting wet, THAT will help my back!" But lo and behold it made a HUGE difference. It was the first positive change in my health in over a decade. If you get a good therapist, LISTEN to the therapist, and STICK to what the therapist teaches you then I can't say enough good stuff about working out in the pool. There are a variety of programs that fit in this area so look around until you can find the right one for you.

    So talk to your doctor about your pain meds and try to get a prescription for aquatic therapy. Then plan on going on a long hunt to find the right facility but that's another story.