Restless Leg Syndrome and PLMD



  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    What causes PLMD?
  • My doctor is treating my PLMD with a very low dose of Gabapentin. It's worked very well for me. I'm one of the lucky ones that can tolerate Gabapentin with no side effects. Even if I had side effects, I'm not sure I could give it up. Anything would be better than what I was going thru before the medication, surviving for 3 months on 2 hours of sleep a night was awful.
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    Dydenuo: I hear you!!! I had a sleep study done most I sleep was a total of 3 hours 25 mins. Said I was kicking or moving legs 28 -to 75 times an hour. Waking up constantly!! I just started Mirapex for the last two days. OMG I can't believe the difference last nite I remember waking up one time! I can't believe the remarkable difference in the way I feel. My head is soooooo clear. This a miracle for me . Even the leg sensations have diminsed greatly during day. I never realized the hell I was living till I felt better. I dreaded going to bed and trying to lay down and watch TV. Hope this lasts. I always thought RLS was a bogus afflication.
  • I'm glad you're getting some relief. Life is so much more difficult when you're not sleeping well.
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    That's for sure!!!! Thanks
  • rhicab
    rhicab Posts: 1
    Hi all, not sure anyone will see this as it's quite an old post but worth a try. When I was expecting my son 8 years ago, i started having 'shakes leg' as my husband calls it, where I'd be in bed and my leg would kick out on its own, and do it repeatedly, even after I'm sleeping! Doc told me baby lying on a nerve so that was that. After he was born kept having it and doc said RLS and no more was said. I have had it for 8 years and thought nothing more of it.... Just dealt with it!!

    Today I read on yahoo news that RLS is linked to some nasty diseases so having read more about it tonight, I actually think I probably have PLMD rather than RLS as I have it nightly and it keeps hubby awake, but not me!!

    Anyone know how to get diagnosed properly!! Doc will tell me what I tell him!! Thanks.
  • bhoelscher
    bhoelscher Posts: 21 Member
    I have RLS and PLMD as well, and have for about 15 years. I started taking Requip, but it lost effectiveness for me. For the last ten years, I take 1mg Mirapex and 100 mg Lyrica. Together they keep my symptoms mostly in check. I do struggle with anemia and B-12 deficiencies as well -- I give myself B-12 injections every two weeks and take a daily iron supplement in addition to a general multivitamin. It helps, but I still struggle to keep my iron levels in check. I had to have an iron infusion done at a local cancer center in November because my levels were so low, and it did make a difference in my RLS.

    Also, pregnancy REALLY aggravated my RLS symptoms. My legs would kick and flail and I would just lay there miserable. I would get to the point where I couldnt lay down, couldnt sit down, so all I could do is pace the floor at night until my muscles tired themselves out and I could finally pass out for a few hours of blessed sleep.

    Definitely talk with your doctor. If one medication or therapy option isnt working for you, try something else. There are a few different options that can be tried until something works for you. Read and research, and go to your appointments armed with knowledge. Know the questions to ask and be your own advocate. The more you know the better off you'll be. Hope you get to finding relief soon.