Small rant and some help

I have been doing P90x for almost 3 months now, but i have lost very little weight and i have not changed in my inches. I have grown stronger. I do the classic. also the only time i deviate from the plan are my days off but i do those work outs on another day . I stared off with no weights in the beginning of the series and now i have gone to 10lb dumbbells. i don't do the ab ripper x part nor do i have a pull up bar. i think my diary is public. any help would be the best.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You don't weigh your food so how do you know how much you are eating????

    Chances are you are eating more than you think.

    Plus you could be over estimating your calorie burns walk for 1hour burning almost 500 calories...hmmm..
  • wtmorrison
    wtmorrison Posts: 1 Member
    My general rule is to always round down on the exercise and round up on the food. If I play racquetball for 2 hours, I only log 1 hour. That helps me not think "I worked more so I can eat more".

    Also, I looked over your diary and it looks like you make decent food choices. It may help to just read for tips on ways to get even better nutrition. When I make eggs for myself, I usually have a few whites but only 1 yolk. It feels like you get a lot of food that way, but you limit the caloric density. Or, I like Turkey burgers too, but I'll usually cook and chop them up to put them in something else so I don't eat a bun. And don't forget to make sure you count in any drinks or condiments. Ketchup control has probably been my biggest nightmare ;)
  • JoanneC1216
    JoanneC1216 Posts: 166
    It looks as if your food is measured but your calories seem to be all over the place..... mainly kinda high?

    How tall are you and how much are you looking to lose?
  • i use the p90x claculator for my mesaurments and i always use the low setting on them. iam 5 feet 6 inches and looking to lose about 40lbs
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Looks like your weighing your food to me. I suggest cutting the sugar and salt. Looks like we both have a sweet tooth, and salt doesn't help either. I also did not see a lot of cups of water. Are you drinking enough of it?

    Good luck! I would LOVE to do p90x but I cant due to bad ankles.
  • Nickih4619093
    Nickih4619093 Posts: 91 Member
    You could try eating more whole foods and watching your sugar, fat and sodium intake, they seem like they might be high. Also upping my protein intake to 100 gr or more while keeping carbs to less than 100 gr. has helped me. Good luck, you're doing great!!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    My opinion is that to lose weight the main part is controlling your diet. Exercise will make you healthier, stronger and fitter, but it's the food./calories going in that are going to have the biggest impact.

    On first glance of your diary, it seems as long you consume a lot of carbohydrates and sodium. Maybe by slightly altering these two main components first see if that makes a difference. And when you do consume carbs, make sure they're good quality ones i.e. brown bread, brown rice, whole grains etc. as then they're lower GI and going to keep you fuller and more satisfied for longer. Too much sodium will cause unnecessary weight gain by holding onto excess water (water retention) so maybe you have lost some weight but because of the amount of sodium (salt) your eating it isn't showing up on the scales?

    That's just my opinion but for me, I personally used to set a calorie limit and stuck by it - didn't eat over it even with my extra calories burned from exercise (but I did choose my calorie amount with exercising in mind).

    Good luck. You Can Do It!
  • Jaydec70
    Jaydec70 Posts: 63 Member
    I've done p90x for 8 weeks so far and find I lose little during regular weeks, but drop a lot on recovery weeks. I was dropping consistently before I started for months before I added it in though. For me I found higher protein, lower carbs has worked to keep me feeling full and lose consistently. Cottage cheese and boiled eggs are my mainstays now. I also stopped all artificial sweeteners, which I believe helps me appreciate the natural sweetness of fruits and veggies much more, and I avoid refined foods like the plaugue now. Hope that helps some...