Creeping Back on...

So I see those guys on the Biggest Loser who gained it back, and that's going to be me!!!!! Last year, I lost 125 lbs. In the last 6 months, I've gained 25lbs. I've just want the motivation back, and I don't know what that motivation was. I'm thinking accountability might help. I'm a little excited to start again, even if it is at the worst time of the year. Plan on making this website a favorite.


  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    First, congratulations on losing so much weight to begin with! That's an incredible accomplishment. Second, pat yourself on the back for doing something about the weight creeping up at an early stage in the weight gain. Third, this is probably the best time to start, because you're way ahead of the NYE-resolution folks, and you're probably going to be more diligent during the holidays, so instead of gaining, you may actually lose.

    Finally, welcome aboard! I've been doing this for about 6 weeks. It's pretty addictive!
  • rokikio
    Welcome and I am sure you willget back on track. Great job on your weight loss. You can get that momentum again!
  • midmomike2
    Great job losing the 125! And I agree, you need to be commended for noting the creeping back up in the weight dept. and taking action! Welcome to MFP! You can and will do it!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Everything this person said, besides the 6 weeks part :laugh:

    I think you are smart to realize what's going on and stopping it. I lost 50 lbs before i got married in 2002 and I actually remember the day at work where I said to my co-worker, 'I'm gaining my weight back and I need to get back on track or all 50 will be back." I gained 100 back before I went back to Weight Watchers to start losing it over again, that was in 2006 before I got pregnant with my daughter. To this day I still think about what would have been if I got back on track that day.

    I've been having a hard time finding the focus the past 6ish months (I was beyond focused last year at this time, I made healthy choices because that is what I did, not because I wanted to lose weight) and I find even it I'm treading water, losing and gaining the same 5 lbs over and over again (been doing that since the end of July until the last two weeks where I gained more then that 5 :sad: ) at least if I'm treading water I'm not going back up.

    You can do this!!!!! You achieved A LOT more in your lose and you can do these 25lbs. :flowerforyou:
    First, congratulations on losing so much weight to begin with! That's an incredible accomplishment. Second, pat yourself on the back for doing something about the weight creeping up at an early stage in the weight gain. Third, this is probably the best time to start, because you're way ahead of the NYE-resolution folks, and you're probably going to be more diligent during the holidays, so instead of gaining, you may actually lose.

    Finally, welcome aboard! I've been doing this for about 6 weeks. It's pretty addictive!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    CONGRATS on your weight loss, and that is great that you are doing something about it now. I also lost alot of weight (105)lbs about 12 yrs ago kept it off for 4 yrs and then due to getting sick and comfort eating slowly gained it back. So I know all about losing and gaining it all back. But this site is wonderful I have been on here about 5months and have lost 40lbs so far. We can do this
  • wendywc
    wendywc Posts: 3 Member
    WOW!! 125lbs. I say ditto to what lindalee said, she said it quite well. There's no shame, you are wise for saying now, let me do something NOW. Congrats : - )
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Wow I have to say I feel exactly the same way....In the last year I have lost 125 lbs as well and in the last 3-4 months I seem to have lost my willpower and motivation as well, and just cant figure out where it went???? I have only gained 7 back so far but I want to stop it before it becomes a trend....
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks all, you're encouraging!!!

    I hadn't exactly reached my goal when I lost the 125 lbs, so I have a total of 75 left to lose now. Wish I hadn't gained the weight - 50lbs looks so much easier than 75lb.