Chocolate Pudding

Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
I found this recipe on a raw foods website and made this tonight. It is AWESOME!!! I did tweek the recipe by using stevia liquid (sweet leaf brand). I don't like agave nectar.

Chocolate Pudding
1 avocado, diced
¼ c raw agave nectar, or more to taste (I used Sweet Leaf Liquid Stevia)
¼ c cocoa powder
¼ c water
2 t vanilla extract
¼ t sea salt
Place avocado, agave nectar, cocoa powder, vanilla extract and sea salt in a blender. Gradually add 1 tablespoon of water at a time to achieve a creamy consistency.


  • als0317
    als0317 Posts: 26 Member
    Interesting! Sounds a lot more natural than my Jello fat-free, sugar-free option!
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Sounds weird, but interesting! I will have to bookmark this and try it someday when I'm feeling brave - and when my sweetie is out of the house so he won't say "What the heck are you making?!" :D

    Thanks for sharing this.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I thought it was weird too.............However, it is very silky and creamy. And you can control how bitter or sweet to make it too.
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    hmm i may have to give this a go :) see if i can trick my OH haha

    Thanks for sharing :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Bumping to the top.

    I brought this in today for our Holiday pot luck and it is gone already..............People told me how grand it was.............I finally told a couple of ladies what was in it and they didn't believe me, LOL
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Bumping back to the top.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I was on the raw diet and something similar to this was a staple in my house! It actually ended up being more like fudge, I didn't add any water to it. I used the recipe you listed, I added dried dates and a lil bit of honey for sweetner. Sometimes added nuts or coconut. Press the mixture into a pan, score and put in the fridge to harden it up. SUPER good for chocolate cravings and no one ever believed me when I told them the ingredients!
  • vbhoj74
    vbhoj74 Posts: 122 Member
    need to try this, thanks.