
It seems like no matter how much I lose--- cellulite is still there... any suggestions?


  • ElenaRenee
    oh god. I can feel your pain here....even when i was 150 at 5ft 8 looking very good and feeling strong i still had really bad cellulite....! Now I have stretch marks and cellulite to worry about! Oi vey ): Sorry i am not much help, I'm curious what others can offer for advice here!
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    I dont have any cellulite, never have! But my legs are fit! I can do over hundred squats and not feel a thing! I still love to use cellulite gels the smell is kinda stingy! 60cm thighs protect against heart disease! Dont eat too much salt and drink a lot (it doesnt matter if it is pepsi max)! (Although I always lick the insides of pop corn bags for salt lol. )
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I have to say that I've pretty much beaten it!! I only have a slight dimple in my right thigh now, visible only when I sit down in shorts! I've not done anything in particular to get rid of it, but with the weight I've lost I now have a low % body fat, so I guess that has a lot to do with it. My exercise is varied - running, aerobics, resistance, walking etc. My legs are strong so are more muscle now than fat. It's possible to lose it, but I reckon it's one of the last bits of fat to shift. Good luck!