Your Best Trick to Belly Fat Loss

Hey everybody,
I'm just inquiring what your greatest process for either keeping your belly less "bloated looking", or your best "get-ab" routine was. I'm not looking for an entire routine, but perhaps a few moves to incorporate into my routine.


  • claptrap_beepboop
    claptrap_beepboop Posts: 11 Member
    Cut out wheat. Seriously!
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    this is just what I have found has helped me, I find staying away from anything with gluten has helped me to feel unbloated.
    My workout routine is ususally doing workout dvds 30min and walking when its nice enough outside.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Stomach vacuums.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Stomach vacuum's.. although I don't bother.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    There are lots of great exercises to increase the strength of your core. Planking and planking variations are great, as are body weight exercises.

    But if you're looking to decrease the size of your stomach, you can't spot reduce. The only way to get a smaller stomach is to lose body fat. And the only way to lose body fat is to eat at a calorie deficit. I've lost almost 10" from my waist since I started counting calories. My core has also gotten a lot stronger because I've done a lot of lifting and body weight training, but I don't have visible abs yet because my body fat percentage is still too high. :smile:
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I lost almost 10-11 inches of my waist in last 3 months. I cut the carbs to minimum, what works for me might not work for you. I am fairly active with my weight lifting and running. Those who say you can't spot reduce mean, that you can't control where you lose the fat. It is certainly possible to spot reduce but there is no magic exercise and depends on your body.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I don't anticipate to "spot reduce" per se. I've known that part for a long time, since I know my face starts to thin out first and then everything else follows in no particular order. I'm glad everybody is mostly saying the same thing and it's probably something I'll have to opt for.
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    Those that have mentioned "stomach vacuums" .....are you talking about liposuction?
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    Cutting carbs, lifting 3 times a week with active rest and intervals. Still have a bit left but huge progress after 2 months. I am told it is the last to go.