
For the last couple of day I have been doing two 30 minute workouts a day. My question is how many times a day should I be working out is two to much, and how many days out of the week should I be working out?? Just wondering because I do not want to under or over do it when it comes to exercising.


  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    Most people don't work out more than once a day, probably, mostly just because of time. But if it works for you to split it up into two 30-minute workouts, I don't see why you can't do that.

    It's very individual.

    I think you'll find a lot of differences as to how often people work out, how log, and how many times a week. I think most people take at least one rest day a week, but not everyone does.

    Me, I try to work out at least 5 days a week, sometimes six. I try to do a minimum of 30 minute workout, but sometimes especially on the weekends when I have more time I do an hour. I usually have at least one day a week, sometimes two, when it doesn't work out for me to work out because of other commitments.

    I would say a minimum level is working out least 30 minutes for 3-4 times a week, and if you want to do more than that, that's good.

    Really it has to do with how much you really WANT to workout and how much time you have to work out.
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    I started a year and a half ago with 30 minutes jog/walks and i've moved to zumba/boxing classes/hiking/jog the dogs/other activity for 1 to 2 hours 5-6 days a week. If the day passes and i haven't worked out..... then i feel super lazy lol.

    For you... I say.....

    Find something you enjoy doing (walking the dogs/a class/or heck, the sauna) and have fun with it and then you aren't even focusing on the time.

    A gym membership is a great idea; They could have classes, instruction, and companionship that would be great for you. Make the time to do it; make it a priority. You say you're doing two workouts a day each for 30 minutes. If that works for you then that's great. I'll tell you right now I do my workout all at once in the afternoon after work because, quite frankly, i don't like getting sweaty twice in one day. But if your schedule allows you to divide your workout then kudos... but be sure that you're making yourself sweat. Work for it. You should be out of breath when you finish your workout...... Of course, hopefully, you are consulting with a doctor regarding your health/heart/knees/ whatever.

    Just a little bit at a time. Being sore is normal; your body is just getting used to you actually using it for what it was meant to do. Your body wants to move, be active, and be healthy.

    I also read your blog about your husband..... and to that i say....... This is a time for you to be amazingly independent, have a strong sense of self, determination, daily goals, and full focus. He's not giving you what you need, so you have to.
    Some commentors said he was a *kitten*...... he might be. he might not be. maybe he just can't convey his feelings to you in a healthy/productive way. Since, you really don't know which is right at this moment. then i say continue to be sweet to him.... but focus on yourself. Focus on your health. Cook Healthy meals. keep your food journal. One thing at a time. One day at a time. One workout at a time.

    This was an awesome story i saw on cnn. This dude is an inspiration. like woah!

    This is a test. Life is a test. And you'll pass only if you study. So go do something.

    Good Luck. and Cheers.