How to learn to love running ???

Okay, so I absolutely hate running with a passion. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for me to learn to like running ? I know there's other exercise I can do, but in order to make a sports team I have to be able to run a certain mile time. Additionally, my friend wants me to start running with her when it gets warmer out. I've tried listening to music, running on a treadmill, running outside in a beautiful place, and races but I just cant seem to make myself enjoy it. Any runners have any advice, or anyone else really. I just wish I didn't hate it so much! :ohwell:


  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I hate to tell people to do something they hate. But I thought I hated running. I did c25k and really enjoyed it, there are a number of apps out there for this. Maybe it will help.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Do something else you enjoy. Why pursue something you hate so much. Makes no sense.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I am doing c25k right now. I always hated running because of my asthma but now that I brought up my endurance, I love it! :)
  • mkphotogirl
    mkphotogirl Posts: 55 Member
    maybe you can change the way you look at it. you may never love running, but you sure will love the way you feel after a great run.
  • Gahhh I know the feel. That's why I lift and jumprope. Like I seriously HATE running lol.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Do something else you enjoy. Why pursue something you hate so much. Makes no sense.

    ^^This. If you force yourself to do and exercise you hate there's a good chance you wilI stop doing it. If you find something you love to do you'll keep doing it. Even if the calorie expenditure or cardio advantages are less you'll still be better off in the long run.
  • snappingosprey
    snappingosprey Posts: 28 Member
    I hate to tell people to do something they hate. But I thought I hated running. I did c25k and really enjoyed it, there are a number of apps out there for this. Maybe it will help.


    I absolutely hated running. C25K has made it much more enjoyable. I'm at the point where I look forward to running.

    30 minutes or 5K will probably be my max, though. I can't see myself turning into a distance runner.

    As previously stated, there are some neat running apps. Zombies, Run! is another one (if you are into Zombies)

    But if you can't get into it, don't - continuing to do something you continue to hate will only make you hate it more, and probably cease exercising in general.
  • I have done C25K, done triathlons, done fun runs - still hate running :)
    I can put up with treadmill jogging - almost "having fun" sometimes :)
    I guess some are born runners some are not - but it doesnt mean I shall not run :) I just dont "gravitate" towards that type of exercise - there are heaps of other things to chose from :)
  • veganlisa
    veganlisa Posts: 50 Member
    Have you tried a run/walk? You might consider joining a beginner's group- I joined one through Fleet Feet.
    Also, my girlfriends & I will incorporate something 'fun' into our walk or run (ex. running down to the shopping center & taking a little shopping break midway).
  • mpfl
    mpfl Posts: 4
    I've never particularly enjoyed running, but I still do it. Why? It's a convenient way of doing some quick, intensive cardio on the days that I don't commute to work on my bicycle. People have told me off for fixating on food, but I like that the 500kCal I earn from a single run can go a long way in letting me have a more enjoyable day and not feel hungry (which I do on the days I don't exercise at all).

    I've "graduated" from C25K and am pleased that I can run the 5k without effort, which has made me hate it less.

    The next issue is that my physio has banned me from running on paved surfaces due to ongoing foot/knee issues. This limits me to running laps around a local oval, which is pretty boring.

    What helps is listening to a music playlist at the right tempo to run at the perfect cadence - 170-190bpm. I also track my runs on Strava, wearing a heart rate monitor and a cadence sensor on my shoe so I can geek out about the data afterwards.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    suck it up. if it's just a meas to an end (getting on the sports team) then what difference doesnt it make if you love it or not?

    i hated running the entire time i played rugby and the games are pretty much non-stop running. i loved the game but hated that aspect of it so i just did the conditioning and took it for what it was : a way to get better at doing what i actually love

    life will be filled with component pieces you hate while you love the bigger picture. giving up the larger goal because you dont like one of the many steps it takes to reach that goal is just stupid IMO
  • mpfl
    mpfl Posts: 4
    Of course, what I SHOULD have said is:

    Don't waste your breath trying to love something that you hate. Find exercise that you actually love. I love cycling and scuba diving. Running is just a way to get some exercise on the days that I can't cycle or dive.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I like running after the 1.5 mile marker. Everything leading up to that sucks.

    What do you find fun? Group activity? Competition? Endorphin release? etc

    The question is extremely subjective.

    I enjoy boxing and contact sports. I doubt many here would love that like I do.


    I love getting knocked unconscious and then beating someone in an adrenaline fueled rage.

    Conclusion: Get faster, go farther, run with a friend, etc... If none of that works than you just dont like running.
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    I never liked running, however a marathon was on my "bucket list," so I did it. I remember a couple of months into my training I realized that I was enjoying it. It was a weird feeling. Running is a fantastic calorie burner so give it a go, maybe plan on running a race or follow a training plan to motivate may be surprised by the running bug.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    I don't think many people like running when they first start out, because it's hard, it's uncomfortable, and you can't go far before your lungs are burning. You make it worse if you try to run too fast. Run slower, and do run/walk intervals as people have suggested. If you are always killing yourself trying to shoot for a certain fast mile time, you are going to continue to hate running.

    The good thing about running is that you can make pretty rapid improvements when you first start out, and your achievements can give you a boost, and keep you going. Soon enough, it won't be so hard, and you will start to enjoy it.

    If you really want to make that team, you'll do it.

    And don't run on the treadmill - that makes 30 minutes seem like eternity!
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I run, and I hate it too. Sometimes it's bearable and sometimes pure misery, but I do LOVE the endorphin high afterward... and quite honestly, BECAUSE I hate it so much, I always feel proud of myself for doing it... which is nice! I've also signed up for an 8K 2 years in a row to give me something to train for, and keep me motivated. After the race is over, I don't run as much and replace it with other types of cardio that I love more, like biking, rowing, jumping rope and Zumba. Knowing that I'm in at least good enough shape to run 5K at any time is where I like to be, but give me hot power yoga and lifting ANY day!
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Coming from a person who absolutely loathed running at one time, you can learn to love it. I mean, I really hated it. I actually had a gun pointed at my back and was told to run and I argued with the guy (true story). THAT is how much I hated running.

    I started off with the C25K app almost a year ago. Even then I wasn't crazy about running but it's something that had always eluded me through all my years. The ability to run for more than 15 minutes continuously. It was during this time that I started discovering the little joys of running: The first time I got in the zone. The first time I ran in the rain. The first time I ran in the early morning. That's when I realized how enjoyable running can be.

    My goal now is to run "unique" races. Granted, if you're on a limited budget that's hard to do. But I want to run memorable races. Things like the Run to Home Base (which I'm doing in July), the Old Sandwich Road Race and more. Next year, I'd love to get in the lottery for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in DC.

    I swore when I started running that I'd never run a marathon and as of now, that's not in my future, but I'm not totally ruling it out either. Good luck!
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    I really want to run outside but when I run off the mini tramp every thing jolts so, it hurts and I tromp like an elephant, list it seems that way to me, but I would still like to run some day with more ease.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    You mentioned you have at least one runner friend... do you have more running friends by chance? I often find doing things (not just running) with my friends makes things better all around. Time seems to pass quicker when with friends, too.

    Also, if you need to run in order to reach your sports goals, try to get it done first.That way you have more enjoyable activities to look forward to after the run is done.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Okay, so I absolutely hate running with a passion.

    What do you hate about it?

    Without that crucial bit of information all you've got is opinion
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I hate reality TV shows with a passion. Nobody is going to make me love it because I think it is a complete load of over-rated cr@p. I would rather do something else.
  • Do something else you enjoy. Why pursue something you hate so much. Makes no sense.

    I have to make a certain mile time to be in a sports team. I know I have to just suck it up, but was hoping for a few tips to make me like running more. Anyways , I have to shave off a few minutes to get there, but I have almost half a year.
  • Jollybeard
    Jollybeard Posts: 38 Member
    I've been running now for about three years, and I put in about 35-40 miles per week. One would figure that a guy who runs that much per week ought to love running, right? The truth is that I usually don't and I would guess that many people who tell you that they do love running are stretching the truth. Don't misunderstand me, I love the feeling I get when I'm done with a hard run. I love how I feel the whole day after. And I love the feeling of accomplishment. But the act of running? What I feel when I'm actually running, feet on the pavement? It's not love, that's for sure.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I don't think there is something you can say to anyone to make them like something. I hated running made excuses like I have bad knees blah blah. but I started walking. then ran a little in between here and there. then one day I ran 3.5 miles. then again. then the more I did it the more I liked it. I wanted to do it faster. I just started running (walking) in sept 2013, now I'm running 5k's once a month and run 4 miles a day 4 times a week. and i love it. I love trying to keep going. I love the hard work i'm putting in. I was pushing wearing a 3xl shirt today I'm wearing a large and it's not tight. it's great feeling seeing the results. makes me want to try harder push further, faster. you begin to get into competition with yourself.

    just start off slow, it took me months before I started seeing results. just get out and do it. you will learn to love it. if not, there is always zoomba. =)
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I've been running now for about three years, and I put in about 35-40 miles per week. One would figure that a guy who runs that much per week ought to love running, right? The truth is that I usually don't and I would guess that many people who tell you that they do love running are stretching the truth. Don't misunderstand me, I love the feeling I get when I'm done with a hard run. I love how I feel the whole day after. And I love the feeling of accomplishment. But the act of running? What I feel when I'm actually running, feet on the pavement? It's not love, that's for sure.

    yes I'll edit what I said, it's the feeling after the run is done when the love starts. the endorphin high.