Trying to lose weight with Graves Disease & hypothyroidism

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease a year and a half ago. I am now dealing with hypothyroidism and weight gain. My doctor says my thyroid levels are where they should be but I can't seem to lose the extra 15 pounds that I have gained. Several web sites have told me to eat 1200 calories a day but my doctor and a personal trainer have told me that is too few and that I need to have 1500. I have been sticking to the 1200 calories eating only the suggested Weight Watchers power foods (Weight Watchers used to work for me) and have not lost the first pounds. Has anyone found success losing weight with hypothyroidism? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • amethyst70
    I too have Graves along with PCOS and battling a never ending weight battle. I too was following 1200 calories and Atkins, or a slight modification of it, along with weight training. I am a noobie to the sight, but so far what I have read indicates 1200 WOULD be too low depending on height and weight. I plugged in my numbers to get my TDEE and then created a 20-25% deficit and my intake shows should be around 1750 a day. Which seems a lot. Another article I read said to possibly expect a weight gain initially from upping the caloric intake, as at 1200 and my size ( 5'8" & 234lbs) I was basically making my body go into starvation mode, so it would need a few weeks to accept that I wasn't going to starve it, as well as adjust to the new level of calories. With that said, I just recently upped my calories, and redid my macros, to include enough protein to cover my lean body mass, a higher fat ratio, and still maintain a low net carb of around 20-30 carbs a day. So, for me it is a wait and see. I figure the last 4 weeks didn't reap progress, so what is another 4 weeks doing it this way? Can't possibly hurt, and hey it just might work! LOL.

    Anyways, welcome and feel free to add me, and I am sure the pros with more knowledge will be along shortly to point you in the right direction. :smile:
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    I have Hasimoto's hypothyroidism and am taking levothyroxine. I don't know how different they would be but I have had success. I'm really sorry that right now can't really go into details of some of the natural things I've been trying because it's been a long weekend and I have to get some sleep but I didn't want to go and forget that I wanted to get back to you. (Seeing this will remind me in the morning to give a better reply.)
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    Amongst the list of natural supplements that are good for the thyroid are borage seed, Hawthorn, licorice, sarsparilla. Will listmore when I get a chance. (sorry I gotta run)