Relationship issues hurting my workout schedule

Any ideas of how I can get out of this rut?

I was doing workoutsat least 3x per week, not i sometimes do only 1
I feel hurt, depressed and unwanted. When i feel like this I dont want to work out, anyone got some good motivational tips for me?
I dont know how to stop feeling like this, I want to get back on track but I find it so hard with the situation I am in.


  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    I do not know exactly what relationship issues you are dealing with, but I'll tell you what I did.

    A few weeks ago, specifically February 14th ((Yes, Valentine's Day)), my first and probably last boyfriend broke up with me because of my issues. He thought it'd be better for him to stay out of the picture. Little *kitten*.

    I cried, didn't want to go to swim practice anymore, because he's on the team as well.
    I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to stay home and cry.

    Even though I never want to go to practice anymore, I do. I go because I'm not going to let my exboyfriend stop me from doing the sport that I love.

    If you want to go work out, just do it. Don't let your feelings get in the way here. It's your life, you're in charge of it.

    I see him every single day, and I have to remind myself that it's over, and there's nothing I can do about it. I have to remind myself, not to let it control me.

    Every day I wake up feeling unloved, unimportant, and idiotic. Then the two people I keep closest remind me that the voices in my head speak nothing but lies. Sometimes I believe them sometimes I don't.

    Don't let it control your life. YOU are still in control.
  • andreyadonna
    It sounds vengeful, but make him regret it. Keep your head up, keep exercising. Because relationships can be temporary but your body is the only one you get. Plus, exercise releases endorphines. It'll make you feel better to go work out, granted the first couple of times will feel like dragging your body and soul over field of broken glass (I'm not one to sugar coat it). It does improve as you keep going. And the more you exercise, the better you look and the better you feel. Next time you see him (if you see him) be happy and healthy.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Even if you don't want to work out, do it anyway. Exercise has been shown to increase dopamine and seratonin in the brain decreasing or eliminating both chronic and episodic depression.

    I don't know what kind of relationship issues you have, either, since you don't explain, but if you stop exercising you could end up falling into a cycle detrimental to your health and well-being. I did this for almost 20 years until I just couldn't take it anymore.

    If someone else hurt you, by allowing yourself to fall into decline, you give that person attention over you and power over you which they don't need or deserve.

    Don't let the other person win. You're worth so much more.

    I wish you well. :flowerforyou:
  • iwannarideu
    Well I'm sorry i didn't say in the OP I was very upset.

    So my bf has become really badly injured in an accident.
    He could be disabled temporarily or for life, he might need surgery and I dont know what to do.
    He told me to go away and not worry, to leave and forget him and find someone new.

    I could never go to the gym with tears running down my face. To see this happen to someone, anyone is horrible. I watched family members suffer through heart disease and cancer, all of them died young, I think it makes it harder for me.

    Its not something to make him feel regret, its not hurtful or shameful things he did, he has always been kind to me. Its been a few years and for this to happen, its depressing.
    I feel,unwanted as he told me to go away, i know he doesn't mean it like that but still.
    Im upset, Im hurt, and its not some kind of breakup trauma I face.
    Its a real issue that i dont know how to deal with because it has an unknown outcome and both will cause me great pain.
    I mean, he could very well die during surgery, what if he gets paralyzed? But what if he is ok and I've left him there to suffer alone? I cannot find anything good in any of this.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You should probably talk to a professional about this. This is a pretty big, life changing thing.
  • iwannarideu
    Hmm well i dont even know where to start :(

    Obviously it effects more then just my workout... I need something to ease my mind.

    Thanks though...
  • lauriej143
    lauriej143 Posts: 8 Member
    Realistically I think you need to be a bit easier on yourself at the moment. Exercise and loosing weight isn't your first priority at the moment and that is ok. This is a massive, life changing thing you are dealing with. Your bf sounds like he is trying to make it easier on your, I suppose you need to figure out what you want from your life and if you want to fight for it. Regardless of whether or not he is disabled for life, it isn't something he can expect you to just walk away from. Switching off emotions are just not that easy!

    If I were you I would try to maybe go for long walks, time to think, but still exercising, moving, doing something! It is about taking it slowly, but not to binge eat, comfort eat etc as that will only make you feel worse. Maybe write when you feel down etc or do some home exercises. Right now it is about managing your emotions positively and not berating yourself for life turning upside down for a little while. It will get better though, I have been in a similar situation.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well I'm sorry i didn't say in the OP I was very upset.

    So my bf has become really badly injured in an accident.
    He could be disabled temporarily or for life, he might need surgery and I dont know what to do.
    He told me to go away and not worry, to leave and forget him and find someone new.

    I could never go to the gym with tears running down my face. To see this happen to someone, anyone is horrible. I watched family members suffer through heart disease and cancer, all of them died young, I think it makes it harder for me.

    Its not something to make him feel regret, its not hurtful or shameful things he did, he has always been kind to me. Its been a few years and for this to happen, its depressing.
    I feel,unwanted as he told me to go away, i know he doesn't mean it like that but still.
    Im upset, Im hurt, and its not some kind of breakup trauma I face.
    Its a real issue that i dont know how to deal with because it has an unknown outcome and both will cause me great pain.
    I mean, he could very well die during surgery, what if he gets paralyzed? But what if he is ok and I've left him there to suffer alone? I cannot find anything good in any of this.

    you've been with him years and you're just going to walk away?! :huh: