Things People Do In The Car...

brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
edited September 2024 in Chit-Chat
Ok, I've seen some WEIRD things going on in a car. Just to name a few I've seen men shaving, women painting their fingers AND toes, obviously people on their phones, people eating, and of course, people, um, having some fun :devil:

But today, my friends took the cake. I pulled up to a VERY busy intersection, looked to my right and there was a guy....wait for it....PLAYING THE GUITAR. Yes, you read that right. His windows were down (it is 19 degrees here right now) and he was jamming and singing at the top of his lungs. I will add that he was pretty good, but it was the most random thing I've ever seen. When the light turned green we were next to each other a good half mile before his lane cut off and he was still just jamming out.

So I have to ask...what's the weirdest thing either you've seen people do in the car or you've done in the car?


  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    not wierd but disgusting...this guys was digging for buried treasure in his nose :sick: :sick:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I love the ones that eat, drive, smoke talk on their bluetooth and text...
  • Was stopped at a red light one day and looked over in the car next to me...the lady was reading a book!!! & she didn't stop reading when the light turned green, kept on reading and drove off!
  • Last summer there was a lady changing her blouse in a Jeep behind me on the interstate. She didn't crash, but I almost did :blushing:
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    When I was about 14, we drove to Spain (3 days in the car each way...euch) to visit my Godmother who is an expat over there and brought her and her daughters back to the UK with us so they could visit their family. Her youngest was about 4 years old and had a little 'accident' in the car on our first day as we drove up from Alicante in southernish Spain to Perpignan in southern France, so my dad took the hint and began to be a little bit more diligent of toilet stops.

    The next day we drove from Perpignan to Folkstone in England via the 'chunnel' but, of course, there's no missing Paris, it's infamous perefique and the traffic queues that come hand in hand.

    "Mummy," came the voice of a little girl in distress while we endured our second hour of traffic jams, worrying about whether or not we'd make it in time for our slot on the car train, "I need a wee wee"

    Well...what can you do? The Traffic was going no where and she really was rather adament, indeed distressed by the time we came up with the final solution.

    What the people behind us saw was one of the back doors open and a little girl with bare bum hung in mid air by her mothers outstretched arms using the motorways of France as her own personal potty.

    I really do dread to think what they must have thought!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I've seen some pretty bizarre things while in traffic. But your guitar story seriously does take the cake (Red Velvet...YUM! LOL!) I could so see my dad attempting to pull that off...

    I think the weirdest thing I saw as a child that has stuck with me all of these years was the following. On a highway. Driving of course. Beautiful day, windows rolled down. I'm in the back seat staring out the window. Another car pulls along side. Just one woman. NO other passengers. And she was literally laughing her butt off. Hysterical laughing. Like, I could hear it! MANIACAL LAUGHTER! She looked half crazed! I remember my eyes bugging out of my head and turning to make sure everyone in the car saw it. How could you miss it. She was EVIL laughing as she sped around on the highway...SO strange....LOL!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    A lady was arrested here last year for driving whilst talking on her phone AND doing sudoku!
  • Hah the guitar thing really does top all! I have seen people on their laptops and reading well as doing other things which could be arguably more distracting! I dont know why they ban cell phones but not eating while driving, doing make up, reading, etc!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    The guitar thing is weird. He was the driver? I play and have been known to multitask, but I don't think even I could do that?!*LOL*

    I've been known to have been known to put makeup on while I drive, but it's only when I'm in a hurry... and usually at stop signs or red lights.

    Of course, I've sang/played music, ate/drank, or talked on the cell phone while driving too. I think most people have done these things though.

  • I was once being overtaken by a car full of people. the passenger was picking their nose. My friend and I were laughing a lot.

    Another time. (a little judgemental perhaps, but amusing) there was a car driving next to us and the guy driving looked JUST LIKE that Eagle from the Muppets, the big blue/grey dude. Yeah.

    I haven't really seen people doing weird things over here(Australia) while driving. Only the make up, reading a map, etc.

    Although my best friend has been going through her hand bag, which my other friend was holding in the passenger seat, while she was tailgating the car in front of her. When the guy turned off the road, but left his indication of doing so until the last minute (probably on purpose. because she was maybe the width of a tyre(tire) away from him) Both friends were swearing like he was doing something wrong *L*

    My sister has gone through her glove box while driving. while I was in the passenger seat. I think I actually grabbed for the steering wheel.

    Yesterday I was waiting for a guy to turn up the road while I was waiting to turn out. He missed 3 gaps because he was on freakin' phone! I waved my hands at him like "WTF dude"
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    When I was about 14, we drove to Spain (3 days in the car each way...euch) to visit my Godmother who is an expat over there and brought her and her daughters back to the UK with us so they could visit their family. Her youngest was about 4 years old and had a little 'accident' in the car on our first day as we drove up from Alicante in southernish Spain to Perpignan in southern France, so my dad took the hint and began to be a little bit more diligent of toilet stops.

    The next day we drove from Perpignan to Folkstone in England via the 'chunnel' but, of course, there's no missing Paris, it's infamous perefique and the traffic queues that come hand in hand.

    "Mummy," came the voice of a little girl in distress while we endured our second hour of traffic jams, worrying about whether or not we'd make it in time for our slot on the car train, "I need a wee wee"

    Well...what can you do? The Traffic was going no where and she really was rather adament, indeed distressed by the time we came up with the final solution.

    What the people behind us saw was one of the back doors open and a little girl with bare bum hung in mid air by her mothers outstretched arms using the motorways of France as her own personal potty.

    I really do dread to think what they must have thought!

    Haha!!! europeans are much different that way....if you gotta go you gotta go!!!! My son peed in a flowerpot in Paris!!!!!

    The weirdest thing in a husband saw a guy in Germany watching XXX movies on his dash screen and spanking his monkey to speak ( I am trying not to be vulgar) ..... as he was driving down the road!!!!!
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