49 fat and fed up

Hi Shaz here 22 stone 5lbs. I live in Shropshire 49 this may feel like I am dying. Can not go up a flight of stairs without feeling my chest is going to explode. I am married 3 great kids and i am a catering manager. Size 26/28 clothes and feel disgusted with myself.I missed a huge get together this weekend because of how I look. I need some friendly support please.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you've come to the right place!
  • racinsnake
    racinsnake Posts: 3 Member
    Things are going to get better, one day at a time.. together we can do it.
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    At my largest in the not so distant past I was 20 stone 8 pounds. I was fairly strong but would get winded very easily. I was tired all the time and would get sick (colds and flu often). I am now down to a healthy weight and feel fit and healthy. It can feel so daunting at the beginning but honestly it is doable. Just take it one day at a time and think of each day as opportunity to make healthy choices for yourself. It definitely isn't about deprivation. It is about being patient with yourself and taking care of yourself. You can do this!!!!
  • Thanks all, and so the journey starts.:smile: v
  • marie111
    marie111 Posts: 91 Member
    hi sharon we all need support at times and were all here to help each other little steps dont no how many calories they have given you but instead of eating 3 meals aday split it up into 5 smaller meals this makes you feel that you are not missing out on anything and this will keep blood sugar on an even keal please feel free to add as a friend and if either of us need a kick up the backside to continue on our journey of feeling better about ourselfs i too am 49 and we have both got a mile stone coming up the big 50 lets DO THIS. marie x
  • Dobba69
    Dobba69 Posts: 11 Member
    Now is the time to make the change, use the disappointment you feel as the driver.

    At Christmas I felt the same as you - the biggest I had ever been at 24st 9lbs (im 6ft 2), I have to admit im fairly fit as ive always had a training background but never been able to take control of what goes in my mouth.

    Then I discovered this app and I soon realised that even though I was thinking I was doing ok the food I was eating had hidden disasters and this was the reason my excercise wasnt paying off.

    I now religiously use the app - I train every day and in 2 months ive lost 2 stone (10kg) but over half of this since using this app. If I can do it anyone can because I love my food - this app is amazing and has opened my eyes to a complete change in eating lifestyle, when you see how many calories are in things you thought were healthy it changes your mindset.

    Im allowed 1920 calories a day to loose 1kg per week - I then train (hard) and add another 1200 on top so my allowance becomes 3120 per day.

    I then make sure I still only eat the original 1920 (as this is plently when you fill yourself up with the right foods),

    I now see consistantly 1-2kg per week and its seems easy because this app has opened my eyes to "bad" food.

    And the magic motivator is at the end of each day when you press complete for the day and even if you dip over your calories by 100 calories it still says "if everyday were like today you would weigh "x" in 5 weeks"

    To know that even if youve waivered a little but your still going to loose is a massive motivator.

    Ok maybe I have great will power ... maybe not BUT everyone I have spoken to that has used this app has lost weight.

    Bottom line and it sounds harsh - ONLY YOU CAN DO IT.

    But use the feeling you had, get going, start today and everytime it feels hard (and it will) remember that feeling, remember how low you felt and how much you want to never feel like that again.


    Good luck :0)
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    It's great that you've realised things need to change and have taken the first step - welcome! MFP can be life-changing if you put in the effort. The people on here are very encouraging and there's a big bank of knowledge too. Some can occasionally be erm... blunt... but the advice is meant with the best of intentions. Good luck with your weight loss, you can do it!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP can be life-changing if you put in the effort. The people on here are very encouraging and there's a big bank of knowledge too.
    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • teddyedward04
    teddyedward04 Posts: 22 Member
    You have taken the first step to a healthier life. Just take each day as it comes. This site is great there is loads of support. Good luck x
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    MFP can be life-changing if you put in the effort. The people on here are very encouraging and there's a big bank of knowledge too.
    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    This is an excellent link.

    I have one other suggestion as you start on MFP. Haunt the forums. That is the best way to add friends. You get a sense of the person posting and what their views/goals are. Much easier than having to delete people later. Add friends slowly. You won't regret it later. Plus, as you add like minded friends - you'll meet others on their feeds. Have fun!
  • kerrykezz
    kerrykezz Posts: 13
    Hello and welcome Shaz. I can really relate to what you said. I also have a long journey ahead of me and could do with some moral support. I've taken the day of work as we have the builders in and all I can think of is what's inside the fridge! I'm determined to be strong! I also booked tomorrow off just for the sake of it but now i'm thinking that may have been a bad idea :bigsmile: Feel free to add me people and hopefully we can motivate each other.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    HIyah welcome to mfp. Oh I am sorry to hear you missed the function. please dont miss anymore.
    Just start logging your foods everyday to see where you can make a few cuts. Dont do anything drastic which you cant keep up with. Then find an exercise you can do which will help you feel better and get stronger. Leslie sansone walk at home exercises are popular with a few of us. Free on you tube.
    Feel free to add me. Londoner here who logs everyday. Good luck. xxx
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    DOnt beat yourself up to much...you are making a commitment to change..just stick with it.
    That tired winded feeling will pass but it will be difficult at first. Patience is going to be the key as you go through this. When you dont see the changes right away you need to tell yourself that they will come...because they will.

    You got this...you or anyone here can feel free to add if they want support
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    Oh and take pictures and measurements to compare to in future. Sometimes weight loss stalls, and it's helpful to have some non-scale comparisons you can make to see just how far you've come. :)
  • NicksWTB
    NicksWTB Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Sharon

    Welcome to MFP! There is a brilliant community on here and everyone is very willing to give sound advice and support when it's needed the most. You've had some excellent responses, so you can do this. I've re-joined today and am determined to lose weight too.

    You can do this! Everyone is here to support you. Feel free to add me if you wish, I'm a UK girl too :-)

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • mrjiggy
    mrjiggy Posts: 7
    Hi - You've got tons of support here and have come to the right place. Get familar with the site. It offers a lot of information and education about everything related to weight loss and healthy eating. But remember you have to want to loss weight and get healthy more than anything else. If you keep that in mind every day, you'll be successful. Lee
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    Just start… start logging, start moving, start being mindful of what you're eating. Get the ball rolling. You can do it.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    You've taken an important step forward; congratulations :)

    Now get yourself a plan on how to accomplish that goal. Plenty of people can offer what worked for them but everyone is different. Take what you learn and apply it to your own goals. Visit often here for the support and advice - a lot of good people here doing the same thing you are! You aren't alone in this and myself and many others would gladly lend any support you may need.

    On another note, my wife is from Shropshire and is also on this site, Britpoprose