70lbs in 8 months

I am looking to lose 70lbs in 7 to 80 months. I know its going to be a ton of work and effort so looking to start a thread so we can help motivate each other if you are looking to do the same thing.
I will do monthly weigh ins and measurements

Ht 5'7
Weight 272
Age 38

Chest 52''
Waist around belly button 49.5"
Hips 54"
Thigs 28"
Neck 17"

Next weight and measurements will be Apil 5th

2 days of weight lifting heavy weights to retain muscle comibined with 3-4 days of boot camp for metabolic conditioning. I once did Crossfit and lost a bunch of weight so I know I can handle this workout regiemnt. The first several weeks will be tough but I will adjust

In any event, hope to get a good group here to motivate and inspire one another. If not, well at least I get to set a goal publically and have to own up to it.


  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    You can do it! Stay within your calories and the weight will come off. I recommend getting a food scale and weighing your food so you know you are being accurate. Most who struggle either over-estimate the calories burned from exercise or under-estimate the calories consumed. Accurate logging and consistency are the keys to success.

    Best of luck in your journey!
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    thanks. I also bought one of those armbands that measure calorie expenditure. I have heard good things about them and will give it a test run. I see you lost 70lbs. What was your caloric intake like?
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    A Heart Rate Monitor is a great way to track calories burned from cardio exercise. I also use one. It isn't as accurate for strength training, so use it primarily for cardio. I eat 1500 calories per day plus half of my exercise calories. So if I burn 400 calories from exercise, I eat 1700 per day. If I don't exercise, I eat 1500. I started at 330 and am currently at 252. I started about 8 months ago.

    If you use the MFP method to estimate your calories, you want to eat back at least half of your exercise calories. If you use the TDEE -20% method, don't eat back exercise calories as they are already taken into account in the TDEE calculation.

    According to my Dr, it is safe to lose 1% of your body weight per week. So at 272, you can safely lose 2.7 pounds per week for now (although you may lose more quickly than that in the beginning, especially if you are new to exercise and calorie logging). I lost about 20 pounds in the first month and then it slowed to about 1% of my body weight per week after that. Hope that helps.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    You can do this
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    It's definitely possible and I'm rooting for you!!
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    thanks All. I went to an intense boot camp class yesterday. Going by the body media fit Link, my calories burned yesterday total were 3860. I ate about 2400 calories yesterday. I am leery about jumping into more of a deficit then that straight away. It was pretty tough for me to eat that much eating healthy food but I woke up pretty ravenous today. Goint to keep cals around the same while I hit the gym for a heavy lifting session. Curious how I will feel tomorrow.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    Got on the scale saturday and down to 269 so far. I will weigh myself monthly from now on but wanted the validation that this was working. Got set up with a great strenght and conditioning coach who I think can do wonders. Not just for weight loss but correcting movement patterns and making sure I do everything properly.
    Dont mind me talking to myslef, I just find putting my thoughts out here publicly will keep me honest.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Keep going..... Add me as a friend if you like. Such a wonderful site....
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    you can do it, I lost 78lbs since Sept 24th 2013. but I'm on a medically supervised diet. Sharp HMR. if you have one near you, I would do it. it works wonders. now I'm running 4 miles 4 times a week and walking 4 miles 5 days a week. I also run a 5K race once a month. just work hard. you can do it.
  • I agree with you on this one
  • Congratulations on your weight lost
  • Traciaq
    Traciaq Posts: 29
    Best of luck to you... you can do it!!!
  • robmac13h
    robmac13h Posts: 44 Member
    i have lost 68lbs since august 1st by cutting out all the junk from my diet watching portion sizes and cycling ,started cycling for a few mile at a time then built up to 10/12 mile a day,didnt really feel like a diet as i was only cutting out the stuff i knew i shoudnt be eating much of anyway ..you can do it good luck
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Nice job, thanks for the updates. You can do this. I am re-losing my last five. Ugh. ;)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Losing 70 pounds in 8 months is certainly possible, but for me, I do better when I don't place any sort of time limit on achieving my goal. I know that slow and steady wins the race and creating a time limit merely creates expectations...which could foster disappointment if you fall off the pace. Saying that, keep the mindset, eating and exercise on track and you'll achieve your goals.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    thank you all for your kind words. I have tried in the past and had mixed levels of success but this time I feel is going to br truly different. The reason being is I met the most amazing woman who said yes when I asked THE question. Shortly after that I read a quote that really hit home. It was from a gentleman that lost 200lbs. His quote was "I didnt lose weight to get a lot of girls, I did it to stay alive for one." That really put things into persepctive.
    I am trying to build myself a solid support system and I think I have found it at the gym and here online. You surround yourself with positivity and positive things will happen. Thank you again for your encouragement.
  • My goal is to loose 100 total but for now my short term goal is to loose 50lbs by Aug. My daughter is getting married (well the big wedding anyways) as they are already married. I am walking her down the isle. I have never been as self conscious about my weight as I have been the last few years. I got real sick with digestive problems and could not snack on popcorn or nuts anymore, since i'm a lazy snacker what I call myself anyways cause I don't like to prepare things just want to grab and go. I used to sit nuts on the counter and every time I walked by would grab a few. Anyways I was 189lbs 4 yrs ago when that happened overweight but ok with it. Now I fluctuate between 229-240 lbs. I know i've done this to myself with all the chips I replaced the other snacks with.

    I am just starting this journey. Last week I joined a gym and I am actually going which is a huge thing for me. My husband always wanted me to loose a few lbs and some days I feel like he is pushing me even now sadly I lost him last year. Anyways didn't really weigh myself last week but today I am:
    Neck- 15.3
    hips 53
    chest 45.5
    bust 48.5
    arms 15
    48 yrs old

    I can say since I started this journey I am smiling more and more. I also get up every morning and tell myself that I'm possible and I deserve it. It helps a lot. I have not been craving chips since I stated this so I think that in itself is awesome I used to eat a full size bag at 1 snack time was crazy I know but ...just have to move forward not backwards. Never look back :) Thanks for being here for me and any advice on meals would be great I hate fish/seafood.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    awesome Pammy, glad to have you aboard. I know joining a gym can be daunting but you took the first and hardest step. Thats fantasitc. I look forward to hearing about your progress.
  • You can do it!! I'm rooting for you:-)
  • bjmurphy102
    bjmurphy102 Posts: 31 Member
    you got this!!!! I am on my journey now to shed the last 65 lbs off of me. One thing I think is KEY in successful weight loss WATER WATER WATER WATER!!! I know it's like beating a dead horse but I drink between 3-4 gallons of water a day and it really helps me with me caloric intake. I also carb cycle so that has helped me a TON. Best of luck to you! You can do this I know you can!!!