Does Anybody Sleep With A Snorer?



  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    OH MY YES! I usually tap him to get him to stop. Once he actually snored so loud he startled himself awake. It cracked me up. He's always making me laugh and I love that about him.:smile:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    My man! UGH! I wake him up and tell him to quit snoring. I figure if his snoring woke me up, I'm waking his @ss up!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    When I was obese I had severe sleep apnea. When I was tested I was averaging 70 sleep disruptions an hour. In other words, I couldn't sleep for a full minute. I was loud and made my family miserable. I'm now on the low end of the healthy weight range. I sleep like a baby and my family tells me I don't make a sound any more. The only way to fix it is for him to lose the weight. And he should, for his own sake and yours.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I generally leave the bed and go to the couch when my husband starts snoring. He is such a deep sleeper that if I try to get him to turn over, he will incorporate it into his dreams and say nonsense to me and not turn over.

    On vacations, I don't really have the option to sleep somewhere else, so I downloaded a white noise app to my iPhone. Then I can listen to that over headphones and drown out the snoring.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    i am the snorer :sad:

    I have a jacked up septum or in the words of my doctor, "Oh yeah, that's crooked!" I also have obstructive sleep apnea. So, thankfully I have a CPAP. Its a much better system for breathing than my wife elbowing me in the ribs and gently yelling, "BREATH ALREADY"
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    No tips but I can certainly commiserate. No human being should be able to produce that volume of noise simply by breathing! We live a half mile from the airport and get calls from the tower telling me to roll him over because he's interfering with radio transmissions! Ok..maybe I exaggerate but you get the idea. I have lay awake at night and considered all sorts of smothering him with my water pillow, stuffing peanut M&M's up his nose or stuffing my foam earplugs up his nose. I have pondered whether or not I could get off on a temporary insanity defense. The couch makes my back hurt and there have been nights when I have closed the bedroom door, gone down the hall into the living room and still had the noise wake me up. It is truly an unbelievable sound. I get night time cardio by kicking him till he stops. I figure with all the leg movement I get, I'm running a mile every night in bed.

    This made me laugh out loud & almost spit out my coffee!!
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    good lord, YES. driving my fricking crazy. mine is somewhat overweight too...yet, is in denial. it usually turns out that i am the one who is 'sensitive' and 'wakes at almost anything'. ok, whatever....

    good luck with your situation and getting your sleep!
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    good lord, YES. driving me fricking crazy. mine is somewhat overweight too...yet, is in denial. it usually turns out that i am the one who is 'sensitive' and 'wakes at almost anything'. ok, whatever....

    good luck with your situation and getting your sleep!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    My husband and I sleep in different rooms. He snores, and I'm a very light sleeper. We decided that it was better to sleep alone than for neither of us to sleep.

    I am so glad I am not alone on this. Because of his snoring and restless legs and me being a light sleeper & degenerative disk disease; any movement and noise leaves me with insomnia. He sleeps in his daughters room during the week and on the couch on the weekends she is here. At least until we can figure something out. When we had my king bed the movement did not bother me, but my back was getting worse. My aunt got us a new queen, but with his movement and the lack of a sturdy frame, every little movement shakes the bed. The snoring is bad, but I use earlplug and can drown most of it out. I told him the next move would be two nice twin beds in the bedroom. LOL
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    i am the snorer :sad:

    I have a jacked up septum or in the words of my doctor, "Oh yeah, that's crooked!" I also have obstructive sleep apnea. So, thankfully I have a CPAP. Its a much better system for breathing than my wife elbowing me in the ribs and gently yelling, "BREATH ALREADY"

    My husband used to train fighters in mma, so hes had his nose broke a few times. He's in need of losing about 20lbs according to his doc. He still works out in jujitsu so he is pretty active a few days out of the week. Hes also in a band so hes jumping around stage often, too. He is a respiratory therapist for a living, so hes one that helps people breath and even sets some patients up on cpaps. He knows he needs help, I think hes scared to know the truth. He denies is snoring...even after his daughter and I have recorded him. LOL
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I am a snorer, well I was. Every night I would get a knee in the back or an elbow to the head. Plus my mouth would be dry like a desert from sleeping with my mouth wide open. At first I thought it was from my allergies but soon realized it was because I was over weight.

    After I started my diet/exercise and I lost 20 lbs, the snoring stopped. I haven't snored and I have been able to get a good night sleep with dreams, which I hadn't had for a very long time.

    Since I put on the weight, I notice I snore a lot more...not just when I am sick.
  • My husband and I sleep in different rooms. He snores, and I'm a very light sleeper. We decided that it was better to sleep alone than for neither of us to sleep.

    That's what me and mine did too. He's had the tests and the nose strips and the thing that goes in the mouth to help keep your jaw in a certain position.

    Nothing worked.:sad: So separate rooms for us is the only answer.

    Us too - we sleep in separate rooms. I think you might find this to be more common than you'd think. Doesn't mean there's no romance or anything. But we decided that in order to be healthy, happy and productive while awake, one needs a good night's sleep. We pretty much tried & exhausted other possibilities and cures that didn't work. He's not overweight. So we also decided that it was better to sleep alone than for neither of us to sleep. Seems to work for us :wink:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Hahaha. This is an epic topic. Mine snores all the time. Our win win situation has been a really loud fan. It doesn't vary in sound and keeps the room cool because he also has a huge sweating problem even being slightly overheated. =P So I hardly ever hear him anymore and it blocks out the neighbors.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    I am looking for answers too...My Dude snores...very loudly..I have even seen him what i call stop breathing for a moment...He has started to workout and it isnt as frequent now..but 4 days out of a week..I will take over anytime...Plus he is one of those sit still long enough and boom there it is...See if you can try to keep encouraging him to lose..
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    No tips but I can certainly commiserate. No human being should be able to produce that volume of noise simply by breathing! We live a half mile from the airport and get calls from the tower telling me to roll him over because he's interfering with radio transmissions! Ok..maybe I exaggerate but you get the idea. I have lay awake at night and considered all sorts of smothering him with my water pillow, stuffing peanut M&M's up his nose or stuffing my foam earplugs up his nose. I have pondered whether or not I could get off on a temporary insanity defense. The couch makes my back hurt and there have been nights when I have closed the bedroom door, gone down the hall into the living room and still had the noise wake me up. It is truly an unbelievable sound. I get night time cardio by kicking him till he stops. I figure with all the leg movement I get, I'm running a mile every night in bed.

    hahaha this really made me giggle and i feel ur pain, also engaged to a hooooorrrrible snorer, even when hes in the next room its too loud! the z-quiet kind of works, but a new baby and the sleep deprivation that comes with it does the trick haha
  • My husband is a very loud snorers and in a very light sleeper. I usually fall asleep before him and it hasn't bothered me but lately I haven't been sleeping well and it's horrible. I think I need ear plugs and I'm thinking he needs done breathe right strips before I snap ;). So I feel ya sister! If you get any good tips let me know.