Starting Over...again...

So here I am. Back. Again. I original joined MFP in Jan 2012 and was doing well and had lost 60lbs. 250 has always been my everest. It seems I can never get below that weight. Sure enough I hit 249. Life hit the fan and I fell off track and I've been trying to get back on track ever since. I have since gained back those 60, plus 10. Life is hitting the fan again, but I am finding myself depressed, unemployed and in need of something to help pull me out.

When I was working I wasn't overly active, but my work at least kept me on my feet and moving a lot. Now I'm home, sitting here, feeling incredible amounts of self pity and nothing I tell myself changes that so I've decided to stop trying to put aside words and take action...i hope.

This is a recent revelation since I had a bagel and 3 chocolate pb cookies for breakfast this morning, but I am trying to salvage the day and get my head focused.

I've been reading success stories on MFP and it reminds me how great I felt when I had dropped to 250lbs and I had clothes that fit (I refuse to buy bigger clothes and am making do with what i have that stretches).

My husband has done amazing work on himself through weight lifting over the last 8 or 9 mos and he is so focused and is now committed to cutting weight and not just building muscle and he needs my help since I'm the cook. So it's now more important than ever that I get on track, not just for myself, but so that I don't derail his hard work.

I guess I'm looking to reintroduce myself and seek out friends and advice from other, especially those who have struggled the way I have.


  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hi...I started over and over and over and NEVER gave up. Now I am so close to my goal....You can do this. If I were to guide you I'd suggest that you start planning your food...It helps!!!
  • wkhauser
    wkhauser Posts: 25 Member
    welcome back!!
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    Okay, first of all, congrats on taking the first step! Gaining control over our weight is much like alcoholism...first we have to admit there's an issue that needs to be addressed. And please keep in mind that anything that I'm about say is not a lecture, nor is not said to be degrading or sound superior. These are things that I myself have learned, they are not the holy gospel for all beings. A couple years ago I lost 30 lbs and felt great. Then a back injury and a stupid winter, my least favorite season, hit and WHAMMO, 28 lbs came back. So like you, I'm back at it.

    Second, there's a phrase I've always been rather an expert on. It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy. By telling yourself you're good until you hit 250, you're giving yourself a built-in "fail" option. Take that notion right out of your head and DO IT NOW! LOL Seriously, so much of this is a head game. We have to learn to reprogram our minds. Positive thinking is SO important!

    Third, don't set goals for yourself that seem either completely unattainable or that will take forever to attain. Set yourself 10 or 20 lb increments. So many of us get in the rut of "I need to lose 50 lbs" and then when that 50 lbs is taking forever to reach, we just give up. By setting ourselves smaller, attainable goals that we're able to reach, we're setting ourselves for winning. And when we win, we feel better about ourselves. And when we feel better about ourselves, we're more inclined to keep doing the things that made us feel better about ourselves.

    Use this time of unemployment to get yourself back on track. Set yourself one hour every day to go out and take a walk or work out with your husband or do an exercise video on Youtube or rearrange a room in your house. Make time for YOU! Re-teach yourself how to cook properly - you have the extra motivation of keeping your husband on track too, not just yourself.

    Most of all, don't beat yourself up when you make a mistake. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again right then and there. We're all human. There's a huge learning curve in all of this.

    Little things I've learned when cravings strike - down a full glass of water, chew a piece of gum, do a quick set of squats or bicep curls or jumping jacks. Or (and this is the best) sit down and write 5 things you have to be grateful for. I understand depression - been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Knowing what you have be grateful for is a great helper in fighting the blues.

    Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend :-D
  • annaldora
    annaldora Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am in the same spot. Here AGAIN......cannot even tell you how many times I start and start off good, and then life gets in the way. Reading the post from Kaydoh and I'm thinking, yep, this is what its all about. It is a head game. We need to rethink our game and keep focused! While I don't count calories, I do use MFP for keeping track of my weight and my exercise. I count points from weight watchers. I like it better than counting calories, but in the end, its all the same thing. Feel free to send me a friend request. And oh yea, welcome back!! :-)
