More than 45 pounds to lose?

After illness I put on 4 stone in weight and went from a size 8 to lets say double fingers (it upsets me that much I can't even tell anyone and cut the labels out my clothes!).

I'm really really trying to do well, I'm fine all day and eat a decent meal at night but then I've recently started bingeing at night, a lot too and I just can't handle it. I promised myself last night that I was going to start 'a fresh in the morning' and I've just done it again!

So I'm going to start goals and stick to them and give this one last try, anyone fancy putting up goals and doing this together??


  • Justhowfitcananoldchickget
    I, too, am looking for someone to be a weight loss friend on here. My worst time of day to eat is at night in front of the television. I need to lose at least 45-50 pounds.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    You can achieve your goal!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm very interested. I, too, put a bunch of weight on after being sick for a long time. I currently have 48.2 pounds to lose, and barely fit in any of my clothes!

  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I lost 45 lbs, you can do it. I chew gum at night if I get hungry. Or celery. I say you can have it in the morning. Just log your calories, eat a lot of protein, peanut butter, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs,nuts, maybe even protein shakes or bar. We get into bad habits and it takes us a while to get straighted out.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have 5.5 pounds to lose to meet my UGW...At that point I would have lost 52 pounds..It wasnt easy..I am 3 years in..I had times where I was on a role...then there were times I put back on 5-10-15 pounds. The secret is to make sure that you dont give happens...

    Just keep going..
  • Loreigh
    Loreigh Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in the same boat with having around 50 lbs to lose and I'm a night-time snacker. This bad habit helped me in gaining 10 lbs every year for about the last 5 years! Recently I've had a few health issues 'creep' up and all are due to my extra weight. My goal is to drop these 50 lbs in a year...quicker would be even better, but I need to be realistic. Hopefully some of my health issues will leave along with the extra weight! I also have some fun events happening this year and I don't want to be the chubby one in the room!!
    I'm currently at 211, 5'7" and 47 yrs old. I know it will take dedication and persistance. A former WW leader once said sometimes one day at a time isn't enough. Some days you just need to take it one hour at a time to stick to your goals. Good luck everyone!
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I have 100 even to lose. I'm 255 I started this 3 weeks ago and I was 271 when I started. I'm hoping for about 50 pounds a year. If more happens ill be super happy but I'm not banking on it.
  • aleenazaz
    aleenazaz Posts: 24
    Need support here as well. I like to loose 40 to 50 lbs. Would love to support one another:)
  • infortunatus
    Hi, I'm also trying to lose about 50 lbs. Started a week or so back, and started the 30 day shred 2 days ago. Calf muscles are really feeling it.
  • mermaid117
    mermaid117 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 98 lbs to lose :D would love to make some friends who are the same journey x
  • flow2512
    flow2512 Posts: 74 Member
    I lost 55 lbs last year, then had a lot of personal things to deal with and have gained 10 lb back, which I am now in the process of losing again.
    For those people that like to eat at night, like me, I work out my calories so I always have 250 to spare for use after tea time, I stick to my 1200 calories plus exercise calories, but I always have my 250 calorie treats at supper time. I usually have :-
    Highlights hot chocolate drink. 40 cals
    Freddo bar chocolate. 95 cals
    Kit Kat bar. 107 cals

    And I enjoy them! Without feeling guilty