June 1 Goal Group



  • skschuler
    skschuler Posts: 181 Member
    Love this idea!

    1) Lose 10lbs
    2) Tone up - especially thighs so they don't spread out quite so far on my beach chair and arms so they don't wave to the boats at the beach
    4) Be more consistent in my running and yoga practice.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I really like this!

    I'm running a Tough Mudder June 1 so my goals are related to that/helping me get through that

    -Finish the Tough Mudder
    -Lose 15 lbs
    -Lift 3x per week
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    My first wedding anniversary is June 8 so I'm game for June 1 goals!

    1. Be in the 130s (CW: 146.2)
    2. Wear single digit sizes (currently in a 10)
    3. Be more active in running at least 3 times per week.
  • kitkatbar972
    I'm game! By June 1st it'll be shorts weather around here and I only have one pair that fit now...

    1. lose 20lbs aka hit my goal weight of 135lbs
    2. fit into all my shorts! they're currently 0.5 - 1 sizes too small for me
    3. run 5 miles in under 45 minutes
  • PHDork16
    PHDork16 Posts: 12 Member
    June 1 is my birthday!

    So it makes sense that I should turn 34 with style :-)

    It's 12 weeks away, so I think an 8 lb loss is a good goal. That would put me at a weight haven't seen since my 20s.
  • FitSquirrelQueen
    My goals for June are:

    1- Be down another 10 pounds
    2- Be able to run a mile in under 15 minutes
    3- Increase my flexibility to be able to touch the ground while stretching.
  • Gentle7
    Gentle7 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I need to lose 8lbs by June. I don't think this is an unreasonable goal for me. Hope no one minds if I join the group.

    Short Term Goal: June 1 -- weigh 145lbs.
    Find 3 new low-calorie recipes that we can enjoy as a family.

    Method to achieve: swim,
    enroll child in group that can help me homeschool.
    Take time for myself. I think this may be my overall problem.

    Long Term Goal: weight = 110lbs;
    decrease fatigue
    improve muscle strength
    improve flexibility.
  • ScifiGirl1986
    ScifiGirl1986 Posts: 104 Member
    My 10 year high school reunion is tentatively scheduled for June 28th (might be changing to early July because the other area high school is having theirs on the the night we wanted to have ours in the same place--both schools have since closed and the reunions are being planned by former students). I want to lose at least the 44 lbs I have to go by then. I weighed in at 180 when I graduated and it would be great to be close to that for the reunion.

    The old high school reunion, lol! Nothing like that for motivation, huh? I had to skip my 25th since I live out of state. I was okay with that though since I was not my healthiest self.

    An update from me. I lost 5 pounds this week! Woot! Been a lot more active and have been focusing on getting more protein. Just 12 weeks til my cruise!

    It is a strange thing--high school reunions--I haven't really cared about how I look to others since I was IN high school, but now that we're having the reunion, I'm right back there.
  • CarrieMac28
    CarrieMac28 Posts: 12 Member
    My goal is to hit -30 by June 1, and when I reach my goal, I get to buy a new swimsuit in a smaller size!!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    If I could be in the 240s by June 1st that would be fantastic!
    I would love more but that is my goal!

    Also since my body never seems to change size wise with weightloss I would love to get down to a size 18 by then!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    My goal would be to weigh between 170-180 pounds or less by June 1st. That is a loss of about 30 pounds at the very least over the next three months. I was really dedicated in January and lost 9.2 pounds and I know I can do it again, so I feel like it's not an outrageous goal.