" you are your own gym "- Query for alternative

Hi all ,
I ve just started with mark lauren " you are your own gym" .. The ' let me ins ' ask you to use a door with a knob etc , unfortunately my door is not too strong and i cant really find a pole anywhere nearby .. So was wondering about alternative ideas ..
Can i do it by placing the towel around my window grill .. If so , my feet would be in front of the wall .. Is that ok ?

Any suggestions ?


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I don't know how tall your window grill is, but if your towel (or use rope/strapping is long enough you should be able to create the right angle with your body.

  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't know how tall your window grill is, but if your towel (or use rope/strapping is long enough you should be able to create the right angle with your body.


    My window starts from just above my knee and is a feet or so above my head .. Will that do ?
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    A somewhat bizarre suggestion but it should work, providing you have a car.

    Take your seat belt and drag it out of your car by a foot or two. Then slam the door shut, trapping the belt securely and giving you something to hold onto whilst doing your exercise. This could also work using a door in your house if they shut securely enough and you can find something to get caught in the door and hold on to.
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    A somewhat bizarre suggestion but it should work, providing you have a car.

    Take your seat belt and drag it out of your car by a foot or two. Then slam the door shut, trapping the belt securely and giving you something to hold onto whilst doing your exercise. This could also work using a door in your house if they shut securely enough and you can find something to get caught in the door and hold on to.

    The closing the door shut idea is a good one ! Thanks will try that out to see if it holds my weight .
    The car idea probably wont work for me ..
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Make sure the door closes towards you, so that you would have to rip the entire frame out of the door for it to come loose, rather than the door listfully drifting open due to a poorly fitting latch.
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    Make sure the door closes towards you, so that you would have to rip the entire frame out of the door for it to come loose, rather than the door listfully drifting open due to a poorly fitting latch.

    Yes , will do that . Last thing i need is an injury ! Thank you for the suggestions !
  • kimberlya271
    kimberlya271 Posts: 12 Member
    How did it work for you? I'm worried about my door as well.