Looking for motivational friends and support



  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Hi Ashley. Good luck with your journey. I'll send you a friend request.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hello everyone.. Good luck on your goals. If you want add me for support and chat!!
  • Barro627
    Barro627 Posts: 15 Member
    Dear Friend,
    We are on the same journey and I would like to share four tools that have the ability to ensure our success:

    1. A definable, written need to change.
    2. A fact based plan that we can believe in and work daily.
    3. A focus more powerful than any negativity we encounter.
    4. A heart felt vision that we see, feel and rehearse daily.

    Watch the video- Eat Fast and Live Longer by Dr Michael Mosley.
    https://player.vimeo.com/video/54089463 .

    No companies to join, no products to buy. Just incredible results
    based on wide-ranging scientific research.

    I hope that you find this film as valuable as I have. It's a life changer...changed mine. I'm over 30lbs down, feeling great, with all vitals back to normal.

    Looking forward to seeing you out on the trail,
    All the best,
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    add me i originally lost 34 pounds on here until I got injured at work :drinker:
  • Musicluver174
    Musicluver174 Posts: 12 Member
  • Hello, I'm hoping this site can help me lose weight, no one in my family is dedicated or even interested in losing weight, which is kind of a bummer for me. I know that may sound silly, but I'm trying a new approach, I wish you the best.
  • wantintolose40
    wantintolose40 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me......I am new to this sight but not new to losing weight ( I did join here about 2 yrs. ago, but never got the hang of the sight so left it). I am determined to make this work for me this year!! We can all use some motivation and support!!
  • mthurston97
    mthurston97 Posts: 4 Member
    My goal is 30lbs. I recently started using myfitnesspal again as I am trying to lose baby weight. I am also a beachbody consultant, and if you are interested in being part of a family, where we motivate each other, and strive to be healthy, let me know!!!
  • boshka74
    boshka74 Posts: 23
    Sent add request.
    Anyone can add me as well.
    Best of luck to all.
  • kimi80
    kimi80 Posts: 28
    Hi all, I'm after motivational friends also, feel free to add me too :happy: