Goal hit today! Newbies - go for it you can 100% do this!

westmor Posts: 38 Member
I hit my personal goal today. I spent a year after I first joined MFP 'faffing about' and not really knuckling down, then in about August last year I decided enough was enough and really started tracking and paying attention. Finally, with all the help and support of my MFP friends, I am 56lbs down and feeling happier and healthier than I have in a few years. I really can't believe what I see on the scale today, it seemed a completely impossible goal just a few months ago. My only regret is that I didn't really focus and 'get it' sooner and I wasted too much time feeling unhappy about my weight and eating even more! I just wanted to say really good luck to any new members, literally if I can do it, you can too. I wish you all so much success, even if it feels like it's a long journey, just take it one day at a time and you will get there! I've had some rubbish days and some good days, but the one thing I did differently to previous attempts at weight loss, was not give up and for me it has paid off. Wishing you all the best, enjoy the process, I promise it will feel worth it! :-) x


  • kerrykezz
    kerrykezz Posts: 13
    Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing. For me it's inspiring as I can't see the wood from the trees at the moment.
  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    Great reminder! Congrats and thanks!
  • agallaspy
    agallaspy Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations! What an uplifting message!
  • westmor
    westmor Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for your kind posts x hope you achieve all you goals too x
  • daffyfroz
    daffyfroz Posts: 10 Member

    My goal is to get running again after having a near fatal accident in November 2012. I fractured and had spinal fusion of T6-8 and pelvic screws attached. Weight loss isn't my main motivation this time, although a few kilos would be nice. I started the C25K yesterday and it has helped me in the past from going from a couch potato new mum to running half marathons. The HM days are probably behind me now but to be able to get to 5-10 km regularly from being in a wheelchair this time last year would be a dream come true! Good luck to all MFP participants around the world.
  • Twiblet
    Twiblet Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations and thank you for your post. I've been floundering and you've inspired me.