Can you look at my food diary?

Just started tracking my food today. I feel like I did not eat a lot, but it says I'm over in calories and way over in fat. Can people please give me suggestions on what I could change? Thank you!


  • chaparra71
    chaparra71 Posts: 44 Member
    Well, if you tracked correctly, it is what it is. When tracking, make sure the foods you search have the correct nutritional data. Sometimes foods in the database are not correct as far as that goes. I sometimes just go ahead and create my own food with the correct info.

    As far as the macros (fat,carbs,protein,etc...), while I do try to keep things close to goal, sometimes you go over. I really try to make sure I am pretty close with protein though.

    So keep at it, don't get discouraged!
  • BeeGil
    BeeGil Posts: 3 Member
    There are just certain foods that sneak up on you! That's why lean meats, veggies and fruits are encouraged because you can eat so much more of them and therefore get more food. Either way, if you just add 30 mins of exercise to your regime every day, that 200 calories would not matter because you will have burned that much during your work out! The more you work out the more you can eat and still stay within your calorie range.
  • clfhanger
    clfhanger Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks. I just realized that I hadn't input my exercise and that makes a difference in what is shows you should have. So I put in the exercise and now I'm under for calories, but still quite a bit over for fat. I guess mostly from the sunflower seeds. And the cheese.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Your daily protein goal seems pretty low.
  • keithemp
    keithemp Posts: 71
    Increase your protein, take the calories from carbs.

    Your fat intake is fine, just make sure that you are getting healthy fats (nuts, cheese, eggs), try to avoid trans fats.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I would track honestly without paying attention to the numbers for one whole week. It will get you used to being honest and more importantly it gives you something to refer back to. You will see the problem days and things that are your weakness. Some foods even though they are healthy are high in fats...they may be good fats and its ok in moderation. It looks like you had a couple things at each meal that were high in fats- which just means maybe one snack a day or one meal could be changed and you would be back on track. Its all a balancing act and measuring acurately is the first step.

    Next thing I would advise is check into other ways of calculating calories. TDEE method typically helps people loose while eating more.
    Net calories are tough because you should eat back calories because your beggining number is so low. I notice people tend to not want to eat back calories that they worked so hard for- when in reality they need to because the starting numbers are so low.

    It looks like you have a good start to tracking. Keep it up
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    what you ate was fine but as far as snacks went: it was a whole meal. maybe add more to your meals and stick with around one to two hundred calories as snacks. add in fiber to keep you full longer so you don't have to snack as much or try to plan on having the snacks at certain times a day. i eat six times. or try to most days. eat a bigger breakfast. the first few days of tracking and the first weeks are going to be a learning process. just keep at it and keep trying to tweak what you eat.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    Your calories were 1234. That's fine. Going over a little bit (less than fifty) won't make a big difference.

    But why did your goal drop from 1700 to 1200 in one day?