Mother Daughter Workout Help

Hey everyone,

I have a question. Both my mom and I want to lose weight and get into better shape. I was wondering if any of you knew of any exercise DVDs that are good for both someone beginner and intermediate. I'm 24 and a former athlete, but my mom is 52 and not in shape at all. I want something that will still give me a decent workout but won't absolutely kill her that we can do together. I'm personally a fan of the Jillian Michaels workouts, like 30DS, but I think that would be way to hard for you just yet. Any and all suggestions would be a great help! Thanks!


  • I'm bumping this since it got buried. Please help me out!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    see if you can dig up any Richard Simmons ones-and you use weights while doing them and your mom uses nothing-they have names like "sweatin to the Oldies"
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I'm digging T25. A lot of them (workout videos) including this have a modifier so you can put in as much effort as you are capable of.
  • Try the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVDs. I love them. I started with them when I was very out of shape and yet, now that I can do a good solid workout they are still a challenge. Many of her DVDs have more than one workout on them. While she is walking in low impact style for your mom to follow, you can boost it and jog. Also you can use weights and arm motions, while your mom may start with just moving her feet. I'm not sure if there are any available to try online free, but I have found numerous ones at both Target and Walmart.
  • shelltherunner
    shelltherunner Posts: 33 Member
    Check out

    They have 10-15 minute videos. Coach Nicole is the one that leads you through the workout and she is great about showing you the beginner way and telling you what to do to challenge yourself more. I will either repeat one video until I hit the minutes I need or string several together. Best of all, the site and the videos are free.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    Zumba! In my class we have everyone from little kids to the very elderly. There's a ton of modifications because the goal is to follow the beat. For example if you can't do leg lifts. No problem! Do toe taps. It's just staying to the beat. And super fun.