Anyone started running at 40?



  • maddiegab
    maddiegab Posts: 8 Member
    I just started in January and I am 48. Go for it!!!!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Not me personally, but my sister did. She doesn't run a ton but has done a few 5k and finishes quite well for her age group. She's never had a running injury. She had knee surgery a long time ago and her knees don't bother her. The only thing that does rarely is her lower back.
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    I ran my 1st marathon when I was 46. I ran my 5th last year, at 57, almost the same finish time. I started running at around 40 and just worked my way up. My knees feel great.
  • dconn3114
    dconn3114 Posts: 37 Member
    I just started and Im 48. Run slow, be consistent, and you'll be great!
  • maleeca
    maleeca Posts: 14 Member
    Wow that is some achievement!
  • maleeca
    maleeca Posts: 14 Member
    Just reading all your posts is such an inspiration, I did my first two days already and I feel quite good, already feel stronger :laugh:
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    I love this thread!!! I am 52 years old and I just started c25K. I am enjoying it, but it is challenging. I am so glad to read all these stories of other "older" folks who took up running!!!!!
  • ginag516
    ginag516 Posts: 44 Member
    Well I am 39 and I started jogging 3years ago do to a bad knee for right now all I do is job but I try to jog 5miles 3times a week it took me a while but I manage but I do spoil myself I get a massage at least once a month and I go to a coed spa dont let no one discourage you everyone's body is completely different
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    bump :)

    I will be 47 this year. I have done one 5k, where I came in officially last - I'm ready to move it on up a notch....

    You may have been last in that group, but you totally lapped all the people still sitting on their couch! Great job!
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Just reading all your posts is such an inspiration, I did my first two days already and I feel quite good, already feel stronger :laugh:

  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I started running at 41. Go for it! Take it easy - do it the right way and there should be no problems.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    My husband and I both started running at age 54 (now 57). We have both run 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons and DH even ran 2 marathons. Our knees are fine. Most people that tell you running with bust you knees are people that do not run. Get started. Take it slow and easy. If there are beginning running classes around you or a running club, hook up with that. Lots of good runners out there that LOVE the help new people get started.

    what got me started was an article in the paper about an 87 year old woman a getting ready to run her 81st marathon. I figured she had been running all her life. Nope - started in her 60s. You can do this -
  • tam6van
    tam6van Posts: 1,089 Member
    Your post got me wondering when I actually started running. April 3, 2008. So it's been close to 5 years for me. (Which means I started when I was 49....and a half. Haha). I've had a couple of issues with one knee but I don't believe it was totally "running" related. I was also taking Zumba classes on a cement floor so that may have been the culprit. Anyway....go for it and as the previous posts suggested, go to a store that can fit you with a decent running shoe, go at your own pace and enjoy the scenery:smile:
  • Christi132
    Christi132 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 46 and started running a few years ago. Now I'm addicted to running. When I started I could only run about 4.8 mph. Now I'm up to an average of 6.5 mph when running 3-5 miles. When the weather is ideal I'll put on my favorite running shoes and run for 11 miles. I used to have a sore hip and sore knee. All those aches and pains went away once I got into shape.
  • midnightjogger
    midnightjogger Posts: 45 Member
    Just began trying it this week at age 50. I have knee issues so I've been wearing knee support bands on both the good and the bad knee. No problems so far. I started out at three minuets and have worked myself up to 6. It's a start! Good luck!
  • I started at 36, and 350+ pounds. It's been slow progressing. It's not been easy, but I've had no injuries, (though obviously there's been soreness) but I'm relentless. Be relentless and you'll crush it.
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    I just turned 49! I tried a running program with Fleet Feet Sports in 2012 but had to quit after getting an ankle stress fracture. Now, almost 2 years later I am trying to run again. This time on my own and in my own time at my own pace, so hopefully, no injuries this time around.. I ran for 2 miles on the treadmill for up to 13 minutes straight running for 3 days a week. I started running outside the week before last. I'm up to 2 miles 2 days a week...running about a 15 minute mile on average. Running outside is much harder than running inside. My legs feel heavier and tire more easily and my calve muscles hurt more. My breathing isn't near as good either. Indoors I ran 13 minutes straight one time, but outside 3 minutes has been the max and I average 2 minutes running at a time. I currently run two, then walk three for 2-2 1/4 miles. Next week, I will probably start to slowly reduce my walking time by 30 seconds at a time. I sure hope it get's easier because right now, it's so hard.
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